Hi everyone, just joined this site, i so need... - Quit Support
Hi everyone, just joined this site, i so need to stop smoking but i'm finding it so hard to start, been smoking for 35 yrs x

Hi Sue52,
By joining us, you've already made a start! A couple of questions first so we know where to start advising you from;
1. How many do you smoke each day?
2. Have you ever tried to stop before? If so, how long have you remained smoke free for and did you use any nicotine replacement therapies?
3. What is your main reason for wanting to stop?
4. What challenges do you think will hinder your chances of success?
Well done on making a start. We look forward to supporting you.

Hi Emjay i smoke 20 a day i've tried to stop twice before but only managed to stop for 2 months, not very long, i wasn't using anything just willpower. i need to stop now, think i'm in the right mind set, my health is not good i have autoimmune thyroiditis and just been diagnosed with raynauds and may have celiacs
Hi Sue52,
Well done to you, stopping for two months is very good and if you have already tried to stop twice before, then this shows that you are quite determined.
I don't have a full understanding of Raynauds but know that by stopping smoking, your circulation will certainly improve which I am sure will help with your condition.
Thinking about a quit date, you have said that you are ready to stop now, do you mean now as in today or maybe a week or so away? To help you on the road to becoming successfully quit, it really is important to plan ahead in some way and prepare for your quit date.
Do you feel that you would like to use some form of nicotine replacement therapy this time round or would you prefer to go cold turkey again?
Of the 20 that you smoke, how many do you feel that you actually enjoy? Do you smoke mostly during the morning, afternoon or evening?
Lots more questions to get you thinking!
Look forward to hearing from you...
Hi Emjay nice to hear from you to, yes this would help my raynauds considerably as there's no cure for this u just have to manage it, eg wear cotton gloves when taking anything out of the freezer, i want to stop on Monday 16th that way can go to my gp beforehand to see what i can use to help me, there are so many tablets i can't take, either because of my health problems or the tablets i'm on for them, i want to try something this time as the last times i've tried was cold turkey which didn't work. I don't want to take anything that will upset my thyroid or i'd be in real trouble. thinking about it the morning is when i enjoy a cigarette the most and i smoke more then but also when stressed, which is quite a lot lately. sorry for rambling on lol x

Hi Sue52,
You're not rambling at all.... Success to stopping smoking lies in the planning and preparation beforehand and it really is best to include a lot of thinking to ensure as gentle a route as possible.
Try and book an appointment with your GP as soon as possible so that you can access one of the nicotine replacement therapies available, maybe even make an appointment to see your local stop smoking service? If you would like me to find out where and who your local service is, let me know the area you live in (you can private message the area if you wish)
In the meantime, before attempting to quit.... How long are you awake for before smoking your first cigarette? Are you able to maybe leave it for another half an hour before having it? We can work together the next couple of days and help you to overcome the first cigarette of a morning. We have a week to your quit date and by putting a few little plans in place, this can be something that you will look forward to.
Becoming a nonsmoker is such a huge achievement and has so many health and financial benefits.
Speak soon :0)

Hi Emjay i should see my gp on Wednesday to sort everything out, gave so many other health issues ti think about, i'm nite sure about hrt as sonera people say utter gives them indigestion, i already get this since my gallbladder was removed, don't want to make it worse, i am trying to wait longer before my first cigarette, this morning twas 15mins, gonna extend it tomorrow to hopefully 30mins, just trying ti keep thinking about my raynauds cause smoking makes this worse and it can get painful, so hopefully this works x

Well done to you, just by teaching yourself that you can go without that first one in the morning will give you a real confidence boost that you can do it and that you don't actually need to start your day with a cigarette. By the time your quit date comes round on Monday, you will find it a lot easier.
On a scale of 1-10, 1 being hard - 10 quite easy, how are you finding going without your first cigarette so far?
How many would you have usually smoked by around 1.00pm?
You are doing really well and I'm really excited for you.

At the moment i would say it was about a 5 i try to keep busy to keep my mind of smoking but not always easy, i would probably smoked about 5 by then, that's getting up at 7am, i have trouble sleeping cause of the pain in my joints, still trying to figure out what that is, am determined to stop, need to for my health issues, and money lol x
Hello love try Tabex they are brilliant i smoked for 25yrs ,just google it and read for yourself love
Hi Sue, im finding it hard aswell i have gave up for 1 day and 14 hours........ dont give up!!!!!! xxx
good luck sue but you still need will power but im smoke free since oct last year now and still alive and well lol x
that is really good, hopefully i'll have the willpower, i'll just keep thinking of all my health issues and how they;ll improve when i stop, and keep the money back to help my daughter with her wedding i'm just glad i found this site,everyone's been so kind and helpful xx

Hi sue52. Giving up smoking is the single most important thing you can do to improve your health, so there ought to be no doubt in that your health issues will improve.
How long did you manage to go today before smoking? Is it something that you really have to think about or are you finding it easier now?
How about you have a read through the "Understanding where you think smoking satisfies you...." blog and start trying that exercise?
You are doing really well and it sounds as though you are making stopping smoking a real important priority in your life which is fantastic. I'm sure your daughter will be really proud of you as well as grateful for the help with her wedding!

Hi Emjay i managed 35mins this morning before smoking, i feel good about that cause that is ny worst time, usually i get up have my tablets then cup of deaf tea and a cigarette, i have to wait an hour after tablets before i can eat, i will read that tonight after tea. I'm determined to do this I'm not gonna let these control my life, gonna get some girl power going lol xx

You really are giving it your best shot and that is absolutley brilliant. All your hard work will pay off Now that you have been practicing going without that first cigarette first thing in the morning, maybe you could try and see how many cups of tea you can have without having a cigarette... you may even find it more enjoyable.... Girl Power is on it's way

I was thinking of trying this, should not be to hard hopefully, just noticed my last post should have read decaf tea lol, coffee was always worse for me but haven't drunk that for years, went off it when i was pregnant and am still off it thankfully, can't even stand the smell, this morning i managed an hour before my first cigarette so well pleased with my self, will try extend that tomorrow. Thank you for all your help and encourgement it's really keeping me going xx

Ha Ha I guessed that! Once it comes around to your quit day (Monday) at least missing the first cigarette in the morning out will be a breeze!
Will be looking out for you over the weekend Super Girl
day 1 of stopping and managing fine so far, was away all weekend at family party and only had 2 cigarettes, which was good for me as was drinking, i think that helped to make today easier, but am also aware that there will be tough times ahead so am gonna try and keep my focus, to keep thinking about the reasons i want to stop in the first place, but from now on i'm a non smoker

Brilliant... you have a good couple of hours now under your belt and have had a good practice during the week with your tea drinking. If and when those challenges pop up, just see them as a positive sign that your body is starting to feel the enemies leaving!
How exciting
Hiya Sue hows things going??

Hi Kimz got a good start cause I've been ill the last few days, so the last thing i wanted was a cigarette just lay in bed feeling awful, at least good came out of it lol today has been fine but may go to docs and get some help cause i didn't manage to go cold turkey the last couple of times i tried; i need to go anyway so won't be an extra trip i just keep thinking about all my health issues and that i need to stop for them, and keep "girl power" going lol have u been stopped for a while, if so how did u get through the rough patches, cause i know there bound to come. hope your doing great x
Hi Sue - just joined this site. I started smoking when I was 23; probably 20 a day of normal cigs. For the last two years or so I have been smoking roll up tobacco, using a machine to help me roll it. I have found that by changing to tobacco it has helped me considerably to cut down and now only smoke 6-10 a day - the beauty of this is that you need only take a few puffs, put it down, do things and then if you need a puff or two again it is there and waiting!! It is of course the number of puffs you take when smoking, which doesnt help. There is pure tobacco on the market now but can only be bought in proper tobacco shops; I tried one of them but it was very strong. However there is a milder type out there which I have yet to try. I am also feeling lately that my urges are not quite as strong as they used to be. I am 71 now but still fit and reasonably healthy. Have always worked hard and walked everywhere as never had a car - get treats when my daughter turns up in hers though!! This may or may not help you but it has helped me. xx