have only ever got a cough before when i changed brands, are ecigs similar to this.
using e cigs to give up. have noticed that I... - Quit Support
using e cigs to give up. have noticed that I am coughing all night but fine in the day time .

Hi Bonnielake,
Firstly, well done on giving up smoking cigarettes. The coughing during the night could be due to your position, coughing is often exacerbated when lying down, try propping your mattress up by placing a pillow/s under it. It could also be down to using E cigarettes, there may be something in them that is an irritant to you or quitting smoking tobacco can initially cause a cough due to the cilia (filter hairs) recovering and growing back after stopping smoking - this is a symptom of recovery. If the cough persists, please consult your G.P.

Hey hun
well done on quitting, i too have quit with an ecig, and yes i did do a fair bit of coughing, occasionally still do, but i never coughed up any gunk or anything, just an annoying cough, i sipped water a lot, which seemed to help.
~Stay strong, as it will hopefully pass soon. x
I got 4 chest infections in pretty rapid succession in the early weeks of my quit.Like Pinkiezoom I quit using an ECig.Please just stick with it,could be a bit of irritation in the lining of your lungs due to the Ecig or could be that your lungs are trying to get rid of the 'soot' caused by your smoking.Like everything it just takes time but if it continues for any great time go and see your G.P.just to be on the safe side.HUGE CONGRATS on making the best decision of your life.

Aup Bonnie, just to wish you a warm welcome to this lovely site and a big well done to you for deciding to quit the smokes
You dont say how long you have been quit for because I have had a few attempts to quit and for the first few days I cough quite a bit, but I know thats just my lungs cleaning themselves out of all that crud that we got from smoking !!
Please may I ask you to do 1 thing and that is to spit the phlegm out into a hanky or something, get rid of it I know its not very nice, especially if your a Lady, but once its gone, its gone eh
and hopefully, you wont cough as much
Please keep us posted on how you are doing
It has only been 8 days but this is my 3rd go and it feels different this time. i dont have a cough in day only at night it felt more like asthma because was struggling to breath , took my daughters inhaler last night and plenty of water and managed a whole 7 hours sleep (first time in a week) .

Definitely do what Monky says and get rid of the gunk when it comes up. I have a little cough and clear of the throat, but it IS just getting the gunk up and clearing your lungs... unless you have a cough that goes on longer than 3 weeks, then you need to see your GP.
Congrats on quitting! It's a great feeling not being a slave to that vile habit, isn't it?!
BTW... We're both on 8 days of quitting! You are officially my quit twin! LOL!