been to dentist he says this us normal. its killing me. how long before it goes.
hi i am new to this. quit 5 weeks ago after 4... - Quit Support
hi i am new to this. quit 5 weeks ago after 40yrs! wouldnt have been able to without ecig. feel great apart from gums and mouth.

Hi Jules,
Well done on your quit. I can't give you an answer I'm afraid but can let you know the same thing is happening to me. I have been quit just over a month and my mouth, teeth and gums have felt terrible ever since. My gums feel if they are swollen and my teeth have felt like they are on edge. I have been to the dentist two or three times as I have been sure that there is a problem with my teeth.
Even though I can't give you an answer, I hope knowing that someone else has the same issues will be some sort of reassurance. Hopefully someone else will have an answer!
thanks for your reply. it helps to know other too have experienced this . i will try their recomendations. life without cigs is good. just never thought it would happen to me. never had one day without a cig since i was 16 . i must say new technoligy is a marval. if the government really wants everyone to quit and all the heath organisations really mean what they say then they should give free ecigs to all. and promote their use. fantastic.

First of all welcome to quit support, and a big well done on reaching 5 weeks.
As for your question regarding teeth and gums, it isn't uncommon.
I will put on a post from a while ago which Pete (monky) put on. Hope this helps you.
Teeth & Gums
Now you have quit smoking, you may find that your teeth & gums are sore, or sensitive
Well I've been hunting around the old blogs and have come up with this, it may just help you a little and ease the pain
When you smoked, you were literally smoking your gums and throat. Your gums and tissues built up a crust just like if you were smoking a salmon.
When you quit smoking that old, hard crusty tissue will slough off and in its place you will get new, baby tissue, almost like when a baby is teething.
Only about 1 out of 30 people that quit smoking or chewing get sore mouth, gums and tongue, but if you are affected by this symptom your mouth will feel like it is hot and on fire.
Don't suffer with this symptom. It may last as long as 8 weeks.
A student in one of my Nicotine Solutions classes had to have her dentures relined because there was that much of a change in her gums from quitting smoking.
Try Amosan to relieve sore mouth, gums and tongue. Amosan is a soothing mouth-rinse. It comes in a powder and you mix it with water and rinse with it and then spit it out. It is very soothing and you will be glad you didn't suffer with this symptom.
The active ingredient in Amosan is (or rather was) sodium perborate. When mixed with water, sodium perborate yields borate (which does nothing for your mouth) and HYDROGEN PEROXIDE.
So, simply mix 2tsp/10ml of common first-aid type hydrogen peroxide (10 volume/3% strength) with 2tsp/10ml of warm water. Then rinse exactly as you did with Amosan. DON'T SWALLOW THE MIXTURE! (Read the warnings on the hydrogen peroxide bottle.) I used this myself last time I had a gum inflammation and it worked perfectly (and at a tiny fraction of the price of Amosan!)
As with Amosan you shouldn't eat or drink for 20-30 minutes after rinsing. And make sure you use a fresh bottle of hydrogen peroxide, not one you've had sitting around the medicine cabinet for a couple of years and have been using to dab bloody cuts and scrapes.
For more convenience (plus a minty taste) Colgate now markets a hydrogen peroxide oral rinse under the name Peroxyl. I haven't tried it but it appears to be widely sold across North America and no doubt other regions, and if it isn't available in your area you can buy it on eBay.
Hi jules56, well done on 5 weeks Like you I to use an e-cig to help me quit the cigarettes, 12 weeks now after 45 years smoking.
I've had very little problems with my mouth and gums just a little soreness for a couple of weeks. I use CORSODYL toothpaste and mouthwash as recommended by my Dentist about 12 months ago, and it has been great, helps with receiding gums and any gum and mouth problems, I would recommend you give it a try, you can buy at any chemist and most supermarkets too.
Good luck, hope you get it sorted soon, Hope this has been some help !!
thanks i will. well done you too. long termer like me. we were really hard core smokers. isnt like good.

I too have had an exceptionally painful, swollen and sore mouth for the last two weeks. Dentist thought it was an infection under my tooth and offered to take the tooth out. In the end she gave me antibiotics, but I used to be a dental nurse in another life so I started doing what we always used to recommend, hot water, as hot as you can comfortably manage in your mouth with a desert spoonful of salt dissolved in it, rinse and rinse and rinse and swish it through your teeth, finally the swelling has gone down and the pain is more or less gone. I hadn't though about it but what Jilly says above makes a lot of sense, Ugh kippering our mouths oh oh oh gross, never thought of it like that. Yeeeeuukkk! That alone might stop me ever wanting another fag.

I wish you a big warm welcome to this lovely quit support site Jules
A massive massive well done to you for getting to 5 weeks quit erm, all I can say to you is, its a very hard journey for some of us
most of us
so please please stay focused on your quit cos we are all behind you gal
thanks pete i feel alot stronger today with all you guys with me. yea
Hi ya Jules,
you feeling ok gal

Hl Jules
I have stopped for 10 weeks and had the same problem and thought it was just me so glad to read the advise given
This group are so helpful it what they say
I have another problem I tend to get very depressed is this another symptom?
Good luck with your quitting it is worth it
Hi teddy, you mentioned getting depressed and it reminded me of my last quit attempt. It has taken over 4 years before I could try again. The difference for me this time is I am staying positive, not allowing myself to feel down and staying determined. It can be done. Hang in there.
teddy have you gone cold turkey
hello everyone. hope you are all well and quit free
iam not cold turkey but taking lozenges, but still crave and feel so down want to smoke again help
hi teddy know where your coming from. having smoked 20plus per day for 40 yrs i just could not stop. very reliant the old nic! that was until 5.5 weeks ago when a friend gave m a vape on her protank ecig. eureka! it was fab. bought one immd and not smoked one cig since that day. yes i have nicotine but that wont kill me. no chemicsls no tar no smoke. just to add i am asmatic and sice that day no inhaler. i truly shocked how easy it is. no depression no agitation no cravings. just had to break the habbit of lighting up! that took about a week. morning being the worst. but i didnt do it i didnt need to. hope this helps. can help with details ecig if you want. cause their not all the same some are rubbish. i know i have tried them. good luck.
thanks for your reply and help
please could you help with ecig details
ok here we go. you need a kangertech protank mini ll. plus a vision spinner ecocig charger. then go to many garages who stock the liquid i bought the protank and the charger seperatly.cost about 12 pound each. go on line ebay have the protank ibought a spare one last week. the batery i got grom a google search it is the largest one 900 i think. have a look on utube and you will see what your looking for and how to use it. spare coils on ebay 5.99 for 5. 1 lasts about 7-10days. if you need more help let me know. all sounds complicted but it really isnt. let m know how you get on.
Hi Teddy. Around the 12 week mark is probably when feeling really down strikes most. The initial euphoria of quitting when you think you're doing so well gradually fades away, the constant every day battle of telling your brain that you can't have a cig becomes very wearing and you do get to the stage where you think, God this quitting, it isn't for me I'll just risk dying instead. haha I know, I've been there. On the first two occasions of getting to 3 months I agreed with myself, I thought if this is going to be my life well its not worth having so I may as well smoke. So I did. Of course that's just your subconscious trying to make life a little easier for you, at least in the short term. Keep going, you will come out the other side of your unhappiness. Quitting has often been described as a roller coaster ride, and I think lots of people on here agree that it is. You won't feel miserable for ever, even I have a little fun now and again
yes it is and thanks teddy
You are all legends for quitting im cut down to about 1 or 2 a day a.t.m but some days i go smoke free. Im working for a health charity that is working on a intervention to get young people healthier and to quit smoking is a big part of that. Any tips or things you might know to help me just let me know. Thanks

Yes me too; but oddly quite a long time after my quit, it was really really painful, antibiotics, steroids dentists visit the lot. Eventually went away by using hot salt water mouth washes every couple of hours and Corsodyl toothpaste. WARNING don't use Corsodyl mouthwash it discolours your teeth. I'm over it now but it was dreadful. Jillygirl posted an article about it basically we are kippering our mouths through smoking, eventually when that has stopped you are left with the equivalent of 'baby' skin which is very susceptible. Perhaps she will re post this?