Hi, I would like to start by saying I have a Great RESPECT for Everyone on this site you lot are legends and sorry if this post runs a bit long and HOPEFULLY someone/anyone reads it. (I won't blame you if you don't finish)
I am told I have CRPS in my left arm, the pain covers from my collarbone/shoulder all the way to my finger tips and everywhere in between. This has been going on since November 2015 and I seem to be the unlucky 1 in 10 with no trigger, no accident, bumps, falls or operations or anything like that I just went to work one morning and it just popped up out of nowhere.
The Pain is there 24/7 since and yes I can occupy so I don't feel the pain as bad but when it comes time to sleep/rest it kicks up something rotten, and has even shocked me out of my sleep on many occasions like getting a whole bath full of Ice water thrown over you and stuck with a high volt cattle prod at the same time (no exaggeration, I actually jumped awake so quick it scared my dog) and at most only an hour sometime two and a half hours had pasted since I dosed off.
Since then I have seen Two different Physiotherapist at different hospitals both of which told me they couldn't help me as it is not a physio problem, and the low-impact exercises/stretches for my neck, shoulder, arm and hand I was given by the first (most I would already to keep general fitness) only increase my pain that is always there I was told to stop as I was losing too much sleep.
After my first physiotherapist dropped me I was told by my GP I had tennis elbow and given a steroid injection in my elbow that only made the pain in my wrist and hand sooooo much worst, to the point that on more occasions then I like to admit I tied off my forearm just below my elbow with a zip-tie, grabbed the meat cleaver from the Knife rack and was very close to chopping off my hand from just above the wrist.
since that I was given different combos of medication and creams/gels to try help the pain and lack of sleep: Oramorph 10mg/5ml - folic acid 5mg - Pregablin 75mg - Vitamin D2 - co-codamol 30/500mg - mirtazapine 15mg - Paracetamol 500mg - Ibuprofen 200mg - Voltarol - Deep Heat - Deep Freeze - Diclofenac (from GP) - Amitriptyline 10mg-25mg-50mg-75mg-100mg - Gabapentin 300mg - Tramadol 50mg-100mg - Naproxen 250mg-500mg - Citalopram 20mg - Even Tried Oxynorm 10mg - Promethazine 25mg-50mg-75mg-100mg - Zopiclone 7.5mg (was only allowed 10 tablets as doctor wouldn't give more) and countless over the counter stuff all alongside practicing "Good Sleep Hygiene" NOTHING WORKS.
X-Rays: Neck - Spine - Shoulder - Elbow - Wrist and Hand. Had Ultrasound of my neck. Nerve test on Shoulder, Elbow, Wrist/Hand. MRI: Spine/Neck, Shoulder, Elbow, Wrist, Hand and Brain. All come back as no problems. Sooo many Different Blood Tests that I lost Count Only thing was low Vitamin D so that why I was given Vitamin D Tablets. Tried a TENS Machine borrowed from a family friend that only increased my pain some more.
I have seen Rheumatologist and Neurologist as well as a pain consultant and have been told I just have to live with it and carry on doing what I am doing and things will get better. However they don't seem to listen when I tell them WHAT I AM DOING AND HAVE BEEN DOING FOR OVER A YEAR AND A HALF IS ONLY MAKING IT WORSE!!!! and that's not including other problems caused by this.
NOW I get and hour maybe two every 3-4 days if I am lucky so that in turn increases my pain which stops me from sleeping even more and round and round it goes. Has been this way for just over a year now and always exhausted and my whole body just aches all the time now too.
If anyone has made it this far in my post then Thank You for reading and I am Very Sorry For the Slight rant but I am pretty much at the edge of insanity, So PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE if anyone has any advice or tips PLEASE that would be very much appreciated. (Hopefully I Have not already tried them yet)
Again Thank you if you made it this far Joseph
P.S. Sorry if there is grammatical mistakes my brain keep freezing or jus straight up shutting down.