I had an appointment this week with the 'Pain Management Consultant'. My first experience with him (as some of you may remember) was a disaster. I was awaiting a total knee replacement and wanted to try and cut down my various (& numerous) medications before the surgery. His advice was to 'just stop! Just stop them!' I said I didn't think that was a good idea, especially as I'd built up gradually with a few, eg. Gabapentin, Buprenorphine patches, Amitriptyline.
I did manage to reduce the patches from 25 to 10 to 5 and off. Gabapentin I reduced and stopped over 3 weeks then immediately felt as though I was dying!! (I later found out this was withdrawal which could have been dangerous).
That was last Summer.
I'm presently taking Amitriptyline 25mg X 2 at night. The only other pain killer I have is my Liquid Morphine and I take it as & when I need it. Paracetamol does nothing.
I have been attending physio sessions (arranged via the Pain Clinic) which I had to put on hold firstly for my knee op and secondly from my abdominal surgery. I am still getting pain from the site of the incision from under my ribs down to my pubic bone.
I was told by the pain consultant to stop the morphine as it was the worst possible thing I could be taking. I asked him what else I could take for the screaming, burning pain I get from the base of my spine, around my hips and down my legs. He just sat back in his chair and gave me a blank look!! I really could not believe this. He said there was nothing else, I'd tried everything.
He started to get up (as though getting ready to shove me through the door) so I said, 'what about slow release morphine'?
He had this almost joke children's entertainer face on and put one finger in the air and said, 'What a good idea. I was hoping you might have an answer'!
I really can't believe this man is real or how he got to where he is but hey ho we jump through yet more hoops.
On a brighter note, I've had 2 sessions of hydrotherapy which I think are the best possible physio available. I'm very lucky to have a pool quite close but I know this one is struggling to keep open. How shortsighted not to have more spread across the country.
TempleofDoom xx