He was disgusted the state I was in .discussed meds pain clinic gave me gabapentin600mg 3times a day amitriptyline 50mg at night baclofen 10mg three times a day tatandaol Sr 50mg twice a day. For to toxic with my biologics secukinumab150mg monthly he's upped amitriptyline to 20mg gabapentin 300mg at a time if needed back on tramadol 100mg twice a day co.codamol when needed .I also have to go back on steroids as then pain clinic has put me back to square 1 inflamtion in joints and eyes can hardly walk in agony so maths steroids till review 3mths ring if I'm no better before then .he is gonna email my gp as he trained with her to tell her to keep closer eye on me .also he spoke to pain clinic told them they should have spoke to him first 're meds etc and how I was in bed 3days lucky I didn't have toxic poison said I don't have the weight behind me for all that medication .So all good thankyou folks for all ur help support x amy
Saw rheaumtoglist today 're taken of tramadol by pain... - NRAS
Saw rheaumtoglist today 're taken of tramadol by pain clinic

Im pleased something positive came from your visit.
So glad you got the very best needed advice from rheumy.
I have an appt with pain clinic here on the 9th, but my guess is we will part ways within 15 mins of me walking in there as I am not interested in changing off tramadol my only pain relief, being psychoanalysed or doing random drug testing like I am a junkie. I am also not interested in any cbt or other sort of touchy feely stuff. So pretty much I am thinking it will be a waste of time going.
Hope you get back on track soon and feel better
I'm on 1200mg of gabapentin 3 times a day plus 30mg codeine as required.
Because of gastric problems I can't take anti inflammatory medication.
Joint injections haven't worked so probably the pain clinic is the next step for me.
Thank goodness for your clever Rheumy. The pain clinic's drug regime could have done awful things to you. I hope you are feeling better. Hugs
Awwwww Amy - That is horrible and wonderful at the same time. I can't believe the folks you went to left you in that state. It almost brought me to tears. I have come so far after 3 - 4 years on medication I just can't imagine being back to square one... Bless your heart. I am especially upset with a pain clinic that would leave you in that kind of pain. I thought they were called that because they are supposed to PREVENT pain, not cause it.. sheesh. I am so happy that you found a great doc and I bet you slept well last night, huh?

Hi caerylusa thankyou my consultant rheaumtoglist is very good I've been to him from I took ra and anklossing spondlittis 1997 so I think he knows me well lol .I'm still annoyed with the pain clinic leaving me like this to but my rheaumtoglist is gonna sort that .said I need to consontrate on getting my self well again so all's good x ur right I slept well last night .have review with gp on Monday maybe now she will listen to me thanks again x Amy
Hi Amy - There are major differences and some are better - some are worse. I can usually get an appointment much more quickly I think, and if I don't like one doctor, I can self select to go to another one. It still takes a while for specialists, and many of the docs here seem to be pretty arrogant - especially the specialists. One the other hand I have found several that are wonderful and it is pretty scary when I think one might quit or something.
As for the money, we pay around $500.00 a month for health insurance whether we use it or not. When we go to a doctor there is generally a co-pay as well as with medications. However, the co-pay is minimal in my opinion. When I was on Otrexup (a "new" injectable version of MTX), the retail cost was $8,000 an injection. My co-pay was $50.00. After a year the insurance moved me to generic version that I had to inject. No co-pay but I am not sure how much the drug was retail. I never took it.
So, like I said - there are differences. I think the world is just struggling with how to take care of everyone and still have money for things other than health care. No magic answers there yet =)

Hi caerylusa. I think their all the same comes down to money .I used to get full meds now it's all generic brands are cheaper but not as good .hope ur keeping ok hugs Amy
I have been on tramadol for 12 years approx. I try not to take it everyday as it still makes me feel sick. I try to tolerate some of my pain but it is harder at times. I now stopped sugar completely and Gluten. Trying to eat organic when I can and found it more helpful than any doctor I have been to and been to many or medicine. Make some life changes to what you eat. In my opinion we are getting sick more now than ever. Nourish your body and do not poison it with bad choice of food and medicines. Take care. All the best.