Hi everyone. Not been on here for a very long time, basically as a result of doing so well since being on Humira. In addition I've also lost 20 kg in weight. I get no pain, I get no flare ups and in my estimation I'm in better shape healthwise than I was before my diagnosis. I can do eveything I want to do and am totally independent (yes I know I'm very lucky). So, to the reason for my messaging.
I've been single for a number of years but would really like someone to share life with-a girlfriend. I joined an dating site a whille ago and being an honest type, I mentioned in my profile that I'd got RA. I got very little response but when I did and I reminded them about the RA, it turned out they hadn't read my profile and quickly disappeared!
In my honest opinion, if I didn't tell you I'd got RA, then you'd never know, so with that said I decided to remove RA from my profile. A few days ago I was contacted by someone and we got on like a house on fire. We talked for hours on the phone over three nights and I was looking forward to arranging a meet up. However, when discussing general health matters I decided to mention RA as I felt confident in how well we got on. At the time (last night) we discussed things and I had no inkling that it was an issue and later, we wished each other a friendly goodnight-you can see what's coming can't you
This morning, I got a text stating that now she had slept on things, RA was indeed an issue and as she was such an active person, she didn't wish to continue things further. I'm fine apart from feeling very misjudged as seemingly disabled, so not here looking for sympathy. What I am asking for is advice/opinions. What would you do? What should I do?
Many thanks for reading this.
Paul x