I stopped smoking like weeks ago and my stomach has become constipated adding to the feeling of fatigue. Is that normal ? Anyone has advice on how t handle this.
Kind regards
I stopped smoking like weeks ago and my stomach has become constipated adding to the feeling of fatigue. Is that normal ? Anyone has advice on how t handle this.
Kind regards
Welcome again to our community gmanz (can you confirm your stop date for your milestone badges?),
Constipation and fatigue are common nicotine withdrawals in the early days of stopping - try to increase your water intake, lots of fruit and green vegetables to get as much fibre as possible and a bit of exercise daily.
Below is a link to a pinned post worth a read if not already done so:
Have you stopped cold turkey or using something to assist?
I am not using anything to assist . I just stopped . I first stopped on 19 feb 2018 . I got drunk and I smoked one on 27 Feb 2018. So my quit date is 27 Feb. I decided I won t drink any alcohol from then
Well done on 12 days smoke free, I too stopped cold turkey almost 2 and a half years ago and here to tell the the tale
Yeah, best to avoid alcohol if a trigger for you until you are stronger in your journey.
Your body and mind is still in the very early stages of rewiring, repairing and recovering, definitely increase your water, fruit and veg for at least the first 12 weeks of your journey.
We look forward to reading your progress
Hi gmanz and welcome to our community .One of my recommendations is to start taking probiotics and mostly enzimes every day with food , And I totally agree with Roisen good diet with fiber is important ! After quitting smoking we have to be patient as metabolism learns to move again witouth nicotine pushing it ..It’s the beginning of total repair . Avoid milk products for a while and see the difference .
Feel very proud and practice positive thinking as much as you can ,excessive worrying and to much tension will increase constipation .Its hard at the beginning but is going to get easier very soon .Keep it up !!!! Btw thumbs up on stoping alcohol for a while ..it will help tremendously !
I know smoking affects metabolism, so maybe it's just sorting itself all out.
How is things now gmanz ?