Hi everyone, I am new here just joined in today. Today is my 13th day on Champix and and it has helped me reduce the number of cigarettes from 12 to no more than 2 a day. I have set my quit date for tomm (18th May 2018). My question is, how do I do this? should I get rid of lighters, cigarettes, ash trays etc.... I feel ok, and the craving seem to have disappeared, I think it's just getting rid of the habit, how do I do this?
Quit date is Tommorow!: Hi everyone, I am new... - No Smoking Day
Quit date is Tommorow!

QueenSheba...Welcome and congratulations on the best decision of your life...
I quitted with the aid of Champix almost three years ago... with the emphasis on aid.... Champix do not make you stop..you must stop but I see you are in that mind set and therefore on the right path...
I left my half smoked pack and lighter on top of my fridge where I could see them....I used to carry my cigs in the top pocket of my shirt and for months I reached for my top pocket out of habit not because I craved....
To get rid of the habit is the most difficult part....Get a hobby..I love fishing and made lures and traces, casted sinkers taking apart my reels, cleaning them, rebound old fishing rods just to keep my hands busy...If the hands are kept busy the mind follows..!
Stay strong and keep on posting...It also helps..Tell us how you cope..!
Hi Hercu, thanks for the advice, I am going to do my best to avoid lighting up after my quit date. But is there a reason to keep the cigarettes in the house if you don't plan to smoke any longer? ("out of sight, out of mind"). I wish I could fast forward to 1 year from now, I just want to be done with smoking.

Hey, I can't add anything more to Hercus excellent advice. I also used champix and for the first few weeks made a lot of jigsaws... Anything to keep your mind and hands busy! I also kept half a pack in the house because as soon as I say to myself I can't have something I want it more than ever!!!
I did put away ashtrays etc and started to wash everything and remove the smell entirely tmy house. I then kinda used that as another reason not to smoke.. The house/car smelled nice for the first time in years!!
Good luck, I hope all goes smoothly for you. Keep in touch! 😀

Huge welcome to our community QueenSheba - can't add anything more to the excellent advice from Hercu (stopped cold turkey but the nicotine withdrawals are the same no matter what way we stop).
When I stopped almost 3 years ago, I got my husband to hide 35 cigarettes and get them for me if I needed them, he stopped a year and a half before myself. I also had 25 in my desk drawer at work - on my 6 month milestone I dumped both in the bin with complete ease....
Below is a link to a pinned post on tips worth a read if not already done so:
We look forward to your Day 1 post
Thanks everyone for the encouraging words, and Rachy741 you are right, the more you can't have something the more you want it, I will keep the pack in the house. It also makes me feel better having the pack with me, like this morning I took the cigarettes with me, but have not smoked since the morning. Today is my quit date, so I think I will have one in evening (like a farewell ceremony

Hi QueenSheba! and Good luck!
I'm on day 5 smoke free, I had my last cigarette sunday evening and haven't smoked since,
I haven't kept cigarettes in my house but because I know I would smoke if I had them tempting me, but I do still have about 8 or 9 lighters in my car and an ashtray in my house as I have friends that smoke and I let them smoke on my balcony, but not in my house so still have the ashtray on the balcony, I've found this support group a great help as they check in on you and try to help and see how you are coping, the physical is driving me crazy but I'm coping, and you will be so proud of yourself when you no longer smoke!
Good luck! and we are here for you!

Well, how did you get on today QueenSheba - day 1 smoke free over you??
I am proud to say,I managed to get through day 1 without smoking! Even though I am on Champix is was not easy,the mind was playing tricks with me,and will power had to come play! Still feeling positive,and ready day 2 smoke free. Thank you for the support it means a lot to me to know that I am not alone in this journey.
Great to read QueenSheba - YOU are doing this not the champix, it just takes the edge off the cravingS, post often as you need to, we arehere to help if needed, stopping can be lonely especially when others don't know what you are experiencing and going through
How is day 2 going QueenSheba ?
Day 2 went well, now on day 3 and spent the weekend smoke free! It felt a bit weird because I had a lot of free time and normally I would have spent it smoking. But I have come too far to go back now! I also had a dream last night, and in the dream I smoked half a cigarette I was so disappointed in myself! I woke up and realized it was a dream! and now I am even more determined to stay smoke free! RoisinO1 and all valued contributors in this forum, I am so grateful to have found you, and thanks for the support, you give me so much hope.
Ah QueenSheba - very well done!
The smoking dreams are normal and I still have the odd one and heading towards 3 years, they say it is your subconscious craving a smoke, not sure if there is any truth in it though, it can be disheartening but be thankful it is only a dream, keep up the good work
How you getting on now QueenSheba ?
On day 5 today smoke free!!! I know it seems real small achievent compared to 2months but I am proud of myself. Suffered a terrible headache this afternoon,or was it a craving. I decided to keep busy,took pain killers and watched some tv till I fell asleep. Thank you once again for the support,it makes a huge difference in my jorney to quitting.
Well done QueenSheba - nearly at your huge milestone of 1 week, plan that treat as it certainly IS a great achievement
1 week today QueenSheba - congratulations
hi QueenSheba
sorry haven't replied earlier,so busy with grandchildren.
how are things going
do keep posting,hope all is well
take care 😊
keep kicking 😎