hi ive just joined and quitting smoking but using vape which doing very well but my asthma worse since stopped smoking roll ups
quit smoking with asthma: hi ive just joined... - No Smoking Day
quit smoking with asthma

hi treacle1965
first you have made a great choice to stop smoking π
I to and others have stops smoking with e-sig
I tried many times with patches pills ,nothing ever helped but vape did.
I know vape can make you cough.have you tried a different juice.
You may also be having a symptom from stopping.some cough.some have gunge some have nothing.
I do hope you start to feel better soon π
it is worth it.you can do this.
take care π
keep kicking π

no not coughing none quitting symptoms just asthma playing up

Welcome treacle1965 and congrats on your quit - how far are you along (for your milestone badges).
Your asthma being worse at the moment is likely an withdrawal of quitting, have a read of below if not already done so and the other pinned posts across the way, look forward to reading your progress

I quit with vaping and also have asthma. I found some juices affected my asthma try a different juice.

It's not the flavour but the brand. I found one brand of any flavour really affected my asthma.
I know this is old but people still look so I figured I would add my two cents...lol I kind of quit about two weeks ago but I quit once before for 3 years and I know what my asthma does when I quit and since this time around I didn't want a hospital trip or be force to take prednisone. I started out my first week ( oh and I am quitting using a vape box mod not one of those lame e-cigs or vape pens.. they don't work well ) with 3 cigs a day kind of like a medicine. Second week it is now two a day and to be honest I don't even want them. Going down slow has stopped my asthma from going nuts.. I can smell and taste again and feel much better. Next week I will go to one and by the forth week I should be cigarette free with no nasty asthma freak out. To stop the coughing when you start using a vape box mod start out at a low wtt like 10wtt and small inhales it will get easier to take a hit without coughing.. Try different e-liquids till you find one you love, that makes it SOOooo much easier because you look so forward to your next hit because it tastes so good you stop thinking about cigarette all together

Welcome Dragoness0000 , congratulations on making the best decision of your life to stop smoking - we look forward Day 1 smoke free post very soon.
There are several members here that have successfully stopped with the aid of vaping and now 1 and 2 years smoke and vape free...
Wishing you strength over the next few weeks, let us know how you are getting on (maybe create a new post so it will appear in the news feed)