I want to quit vaping so bad but I can't any tips or tricks?
I want to quit : I want to quit vaping so bad... - No Smoking Day
I want to quit

Hi, I can only tell you how I quit. I used the vape to quit smoking cigarettes at age 59 (smoked since I was 16-17 yrs old). When I wanted to stop vaping I purchased my own bottle of 0% nicotene juice and began adding it to my flavored juice with nicotene (3%) thereby diluting it more & more. After a few months I diluted till I was using only 0% nicotene. That's when I started carrying my vape less & less till I realized I no longer needed it. Took about 6 months. I also chewed gum constantly when I quit vaping. I've now been a non smoker/vaper since 2017. Good luck!
Just realized it says I quit just 4 yrs ago by my name. That is totally wrong. lol. I Quit Nov 13, 2017.
Nana, same here just different as I’m killing my self with cigars. Had recently been hospitalized with heart attack from smoking! Can’t quit, yet but I will! Not going to die from this. Don’t you die this way either. Smoking kills have to find a way. Nicorett?