Hi everyone. I am not new to this site thought my previous username is now a user/number one as old so I re registered. I quit on 31/05/14 and started again on 15/07/16. Problems at home and stress were the main factors BUT I feel I never disliked the smell of smoking and could have easily smoked again at any point, though during my two year quit I didn't often think about or want to smoke it's surprisingly easy to start again. On the day I started again I bought a tiny pack of tobacco - to just smoke that!
17 months later and I am now on day 37 of a new quit and going through all the horrible side effects of quitting, again. Was it worth it - NO it wasn't!
This time I will keep my guard up. I guess we are never non smokers and must always treat it like the addiction it is, too easy to slide back into. Much like alcoholics, ex smokers must never have just one puff as it will inevitably lead to one cigarette, one packet, I'll stop tomorrow etc.........