43 day one tried everything to quit. Worried about my health but keep failing. First time using a forum hoping it's the key. Started yesterday and cracked this morning going to get straight back at it. Surrounded by smokers at work it's very hard. No more excuses now or never
My story: 43 day one tried everything to quit... - No Smoking Day
My story

Same here, first time at forum so hopefully this will do the trick, stay strong just take it day to day
hi Frankboyd
health is a great reason to stop smoking 😁
have you got children,another great reason 😁
money 😁
I'm 55 and was scared with COPD and a thyroid thing, (boarder line COPD seems to have gone,got better )
i saw a woman with hole in throat,she breaths through it ekkkkk
scared me into stopping,money and health and my beautiful grandchildren.
smoked for 40 years.had a couple of fails but truthfully i didn't really want to stop so i failed.
its not easy but you gotta do it 😒
take care 😊
keep kicking 😎

Hello and welcome Frankboyd
We'll done on your decision to quit. Everybody on here has used different methods and are at different stages so there is always somebody to help you.
I am approaching 47 and smoked for so many years I can barely remember a time when I did not. I used an e-cig and this forum. I had a couple of relapses bit am now OK. What I am saying is that although quitting can be difficult, it is not an impossible task at all. The key seems to be really wanting to do it. Education also helps. Find out everything you can about addiction. Finally, support is vital. Quitting can be lonely and isolating so post as often as you need to.
Best of luck. You can absolutely do this. We're all right behind you. ☺☺

Hi Frankboyd.
I'm another newbie, and I'm finding the forum very helpful. Everyone is so encouraging and I think support is the key. Hang in there, day by day. No one could be more surprised than me that I'm actually smoke free for 9 days. You CAN do this!

Frank....You landed on the perfect place....This forum helped me and certainly a lot more people...Take this quit by the horns and fight it..You can do it...!!

Welcome Frankboyd - you definitely have come to the right place, my first post here was on Day 8 and that was a year and a half ago, couldn't have got this far without the support and advice from the members here.
Are you back at it after your blip yesterday morning, if so, how are you getting on?
Hi roisin it's been a crazy few days I quit everyday but never quite managed 24hours sounds pathetic. . But happy to report I'm heading to bed will awaken with 48 hours under my belt. Whoop whoop haven't managed that once before cold turkey when I was maybe 25 usual story got drunk had one back at it. . But not this time older wiser and most importantly I have a big gang of strangers to tell my story to 😁 PS i quit twice before with champix. Vaped for a month worse than smoking I reckon vaping is evil. Love nicotine gum but it's poison I got a rash and high BP stopped using disappeared. My point is this addiction is real but I have it by the balls cold turkey this time. If u read all of this I've killed at least one craving for u today 😁
Morning Frankboyd - I am quit a year and a half now, cold turkey, hope today is good for you - can you just confirm your day 1 date for your milestone badges