As the title says here we go again. On day 5 of the pills and have noticed I havent smoked half as many as usual. Problem I have is that I can get off the fags quite easy,its staying quit is my problem. I need this to be the last time. They cost too much,they stink and I feel unhealthy.
Trying again with Champix 3rd time lucky π² - No Smoking Day
Trying again with Champix 3rd time lucky π²

Good luck π€ It took me three weeks to completely stop after starting Champix. Others have stopped quicker.
But it's a slow build up, you will get strange feelings, tastes and symptoms that will test you, they come and go, stay strong and get to the other side π as you say - it's going to be worth it!

Huge welcome to our community laura6 - it was 3rd time lucky for me too and now over 2 years stopped and here to tell the tale!!
I stopped cold turkey but many here have successfully stopped using champix and well over the 1 year milestone.
When you decide on your stop date, get the mindset that smoking is not a option and that you will never put another cigarette to your mouth, stay close to us too and post anytime, we all started off at Day 1.
Below is a link to some pinned posts worth a read if not already done so. Looking forward to having you here beginning the best journey of your life
Thanks for the warm welcome. I read your links to champix which was helpful. I laughed out loud about one of the side effects hearing things. Only today I had said to hubby about moving our bed away from the chimney breast as I swear I can hear music and voices in the chimney lol. He says Im hearing things as he cant hear anything. X

Is this the 3rd time in chantix? You may find that it doesnt work like the first time. Its really all up to you. The The pill will help with cravings. Be patient with quitting. You'll get there, maybe a little slower than last time, but you will. Good luck.
Yes. Last time was a couple of years ago. Side effect wise apart from the sleeping I dont seem to suffering.So thats a positive but I dont take the full dose as I have learnt from past experiences its too much for me. So will update on day one of my journey and the new me x
Am also on chantix and am on .5mg 2x a day now. Did that make your side effects go away? Proud of you for beginning again!
Yes felt better on the smaller dose. On the high ones at the mo but will drop down again after 3 days without smoking. Have a feeling today or tom will be day one as i feel sick as a dog urgh x
How long did you stay on meds last time? How long did you quit, if you dont mind my asking. Am just wondering what going off Chantix was like for other users. I have side effects that may cause me to go off it sooner than 3 months, but have been quit smoking 50 days now. Did you take Chantix full 3 months last time?
First time I did about 8 weeks of tablets and lasted 6 months. Second about a couple of weeks and stayed quit about 3 months. My problem like a lot of people is that trick of Iv got the hump have one fag then back to smoking again. You have to have that mindset you cant have one thats my big challenge. So you could come off them if you feel strong enough but its the mind games you have to watch out for. Keep your guard up. Wanting a fag can appear from no where.
Was there a difference in cravings coming off meds? I feel the mindgame part of it now. Does that get worse when off Chantix? Thanks for giving me info. Ive smoked 35 years and never want to go back. Never went more than 5days quit cold turkey.
I gradually came off the champix 1 mg a day to 0.5 then every other day. First time no as I took them longer. Second time abit harder. They say it takes 28 days to to reform a habit so maybe thats why it felt harder second time. I will be taking mine as long as I can this time probably at a lower dose. The course is for 12 weeks for a reason. But everyone is different as to how long they might feel they need to take it for. If you think about it the nicotine leaves your body after 3 days with no fags. So its the habit we are tackling after that x
Thanks for sharing that, it really helps. Am either having issues w meds or a gentic disease i have. Eyes are so dry it looks like i have pink eye & gets worse each time i take a tablet. Thankfully other side effects lessoned on halfing my dose from 1mg 2x a day to .5 2x a day. How are you doing now? Are the cigs making you sick?
Havent heard of that side effect before sounds awful. A lot of people struggle taking the full dose so cut it down. Iv had about 4 today. Feel really sick now. Gonna make tom day one. The dreams are mental im having. Wished i had that sort of imagination when im awake. I could write a sc fi novel I reckon.
I actually quit having those after 2 weeks. Agree they are wild. I enjoyed mine. Except for the one where i smoked a cig then smoked half a pack right after & was just going to smoke the whole pack then chain smoke for the rest of my life. I was so disappointed til i woke up. Took me a few minutes to realize it was just a dream! Whew what a relief. I just knew id blown it forever. So happy i had not. Good luck on tomorrow.

Thanks Roisino1....still smoke free and very glad