Day 9 today, I was wondering if anyone else gets a fowl taste in their mouth. I feel like my breath must be rotten. I am constantly cleaning my teeth and using mouth wash. I am very paranoid about it.
Fowl taste : Day 9 today, I was wondering if... - No Smoking Day
Fowl taste

Day 9 is fantastic. I am not too far ahead of you. I haven't had any issues with a horrible taste in my mouth or bad breath (so far as I know!) - but I think that there have been quite a few posts on here about issues with teeth and gums so I am sure that you are not alone. Today I woke up with the start of a cold sore which is a pain. I suspect that all of these things are just our bodies adjusting to not having a load of poison being inhaled every day. All in all I guess they are all just minor irritations compared to what we were doing to ourselves when we smoked

Bad breath can be caused by the early stages of periodontal disease which smoking masks. Your best bet is to book a dental appointment and get checked out. It could be nothing but lots of people get 'mouth' problems after quitting smoking. In the meantime you could try Corsodyl (think that's how it's spelt) mouthwash.

Thanks mushen, I work in the dental field. I'm 100% that I don't have periodontal disease or any mouth conditions. I just can't stand the bad taste in my mouth
Hmmm that's a tricky one. Have you changed your diet perhaps?

Well done on 9 days Trem....Maybe what you described as a fowl taste, I could imagine it to be a different taste rather...I might be totally wrong but yes there is a huge amount of phlegm, Sinus drip an slime getting loose now and now you "can'' taste and smell it...Take me for example..whilst smoking a corner KFC smelled nice but now I will drive a mile detour just not to smell that old, burnt sunflower oil....
Yes Mushen is correct: Corsadol is excellent and I still uses it... I was warned by the dentist though that it stains your teeth...wonder if it could be worse than nicotine ???

Not got a bad taste but I did have sore gums and aching teeth. Well done on 9 days though.

Hey Jenny, great to see you on Day 9 and another day over you.
With regards the bad breath / taste, unfortunately that was one of the first things I developed when I quit, and think Hercu is right that it is the our lungs clearing with the phlegm and mucus that is causing it. Likewise, this is ongoing but not as bad.
Some mornings I wake up with a horrible taste in my mouth but dramatically subsides once I do my morning brush and mouthwash. In the second week I coughed up alot of tar and had awful taste in my mouth during that time, I found vaporizing with vicks helped to lift, if you happen to experience this.
Also, I take a tablespoon of honey every morning as it is suppose to help with clearing the lungs...drink plenty of water during the day will help with taste and breath too....
Try not to be paranoid as our sense of smell gets so much sharper when we quit....and our taste....
Thanks, funny thing is I haven't been coughing up any phlegm or tar

Hy, firstly, a huge well done from me, fantastic.
Just a thought, as last time we quit, indeed had a similar situation, it turned out, I had a reflux problem which was soon rectified with a little pill each day, not sure if it was coincidence but this has not happened in my second quit.
Smoking as said above masks many many other situations in our bodies
Keep going, doing great