Why can i taste smoke in my mouth? Even my toothbrush tatses like smoke. My bedroom in the mornings smell like smoke, is it possible that my husband's smokey smelly breath (even after mouthwash) can stink the whole room out?
Nicotine trying to sneak in?: Why can i taste... - No Smoking Day
Nicotine trying to sneak in?

Morning c/Tracey, yes, this is all normal, the smell of smoke does appear to be everywhere when our smell senses starts to come back, at this stage of my quit, I went on a rampage, threw out toothbrushes, hair brushes, handbags, washed curtains, scrubbed presses, walls, tiles all to get rid of the horrendous smell of smoke in the house and to this day (9 months), I do get the random 'phantom smoker' smell, could be in any room in the house, Nozmo has experienced this too and scared the sh**te out of him
PS c/Tracey, the taste in your mouth could be your lungs clearing out as your cilia hairs start to grow back....

Hiya Tracey, probably just the remnants from smoking coming out of your system. Lots of people say they get an awful taste in their mouth.
No offence to your husband, but your lack of smoking and heightened sense of smell probably mean that it is his "smokey smelly breath" that you can smell. Gave me a laugh that one 😀
Enjoy you new found sense of smell!!
Hi Tracey, as the others have said, the smell in the bedroom is likely your husband - smokers smell bad sorry to say and we don't realise until we stop smoking and regain our sense of smell. The smoke will cling to his clothes, hair, probably skin as well and yes his breath as it will coat his tongue. I hate being anywhere near a smoker now 'cos it's revolting. I have apologised profusely to the non smokers around me for inflicting that smell on them for so long. Also, the taste in your mouth is your lungs cleaning out as Roisin pointed out. It's gross but will disappear with time. In the mean time mints could become your new best friend lol.

Hi C/Tracey...I am not sure if I should say poor Tracey or poor husband..???? For him it is going to get very uncomfortable around you and visa versa....This rediscovery of our smell is laughable because sometimes things we thought to be nice has got a very nasty smell....I went as far as to shower over my Lunch break..??????
We do get used to it C/Tracey...!!!!!

Congrats!! They are back!!!

Thank you Roisin, Im 31 years old, smoked for almost 18 years, tried quitting back in 2005 and lasted for 2 years, smoked again until my father died from smoking last year. Since then ive been thinking of quitting again, and decided 2 months ago to quit cold turkey.
Congratulations Gamaleldin85 , I too quit cold turkey and I am now 9 months smoke free today!
Sorry about your Dad, he will be looking down on you and giving you strength no doubt....
I look forward to reading your progress, over 1 month badge on its way to you

So sorry to hear about your dad 🙏🏼 I know how hard it can be.......