2 years ago at the end of this month.
In the last year, my teeth have severely worn down and a gap has formed between my front top 2 teeth - 1 is badly worn down than the other, bottom teeth are fine. I am absolutely terrified to go to a dentist but know I have to before it gets any worse.
I have always suffered with bruxism (teeth grinding) only in my sleep since I was a child and about 12 years ago I got a night guard for this which saved my teeth from wearing down any further and was great relief for me. Unfortunately, about 2 years, I threw the night guard in a hotel bin while on holidays by accident and never got it replaced.
Since I quit smoking, they have deteriorated dramatically and my confidence is just shot, I only smile with my mouth closed and only open my mouth slightly when talking as so conscious and paranoid about it.
I have money saved up at the moment and really want to get my teeth sorted. I am aware the treatment option will likely be implants / dentures as damage is irreversible but I am so embarrassed, ashamed and terrified to go the dentist to get a consultation as I have let it go so bad... and know I have a huge amount of work to get done.
Never imagined quitting would have had such an impact on my teeth. Has anyone else experienced this and if so, what treatments did you get. Any help or advice would be much appreciated.