I'm still coughing up dribs and crabs of tar. I coughed a blob of tar this morning but shortly after I blew my nose and there was blood. Not sure if it's mucus from my nose dripping down and expelling through my mouth or tar. Just wanted opinions.
Tar or blood from nose *warning has photo* - No Smoking Day
Tar or blood from nose *warning has photo*

I wouldn’t worry to much, obviously I’m. I’m not a doctor. Noses bleed ocassionally, the fact Tar is being delivered also suggests your sinus and nasal passage are clearing themselves. I always say keep an eye on it, but more importantly don’t worry about it. If you went to a doctor, the only way they could catergorically, put your mind at rest, is via a referral to ENT. That is unlikely at this early stage. If it was bright red and in greater amounts over a few days, may be cause for investigation. That s nothing compared to the amount my gums have bled in the last two weeks
The actual nose bleed is likely nasal irritation as I have a blocked nose lol. As for the tar I'm just desperate for it to go away. It's been roughly 6 weeks and I am so fed up with it but like you say it's just clearing, if I didn't cough it up you would have to wonder where is it going lol. Thank you.
Im 6 weeks too.. it’s great isn’t it. Liberating.. I’m just gutted I haven’t had that symptom yet. Almost feel robbed
Trust me you're not missing out. Well done though
Il trade you walking around like a Crack addict for 6 weeks
Hey Hidden - the bleeding of the gums is a very common complaint when we stop smoking as smoking masks so many dental issues. I would recommend a check up with your dentist as soon as you can if not already done so. I waited a year and a half after I stopped and had moderate gum disease and had to get 2 root canal treatments done, cost me a small fortune due to not going as soon as I stopped ;(
PS Can you confirm your stop date for your milestone badges
Yep need too. 6 weeks yesterday

Hey Shinyemily - as advised previously, for me and a few others, my coughing up of tar lasted around 12 weeks. I took it as a good sign that my lungs were clearing. The bleeding of the nose could be as a result of blowing it too hard when it is stuffed. The frustration, anxious and worry feelings are normal too and when we initially stop smoking we tend to associate every ache, pain and aliment is that there is something terribly wrong and due to stopping. Keep taking the honey every morning and night. Loads and loads of water and vaporize a couple of times with vicks to help unblock the nasal passage and throat. A walk in sea air can help alot too if you are lucky enough to be near the sea
You remind so much of myself in the early days of my journey, I promise, things will improve and get better. Patience is another thing needed and something I don't have but time will go by much quicker for each day that passes. You are doing great.
Thank you. I love this site. It's non judgmental and everyone here understands. I am due to see the Dr again tomorrow to ease and hopefully sort out the anxiety. Unfortunately I have a history of anxiety so it was bound to flare up again. I am getting chest pain but I believe that's anxiety related. That is also something I will be talking to the Dr about. I will update you all. So far no more tar for the rest of the day but the more that come out, the less I have in me. The bleeding nose I put down to irritation due to congestion I have at the moment.

This is normal how long have you given up for