Hi all, I've quit again but seem to be getting an awful taste in my mouth and smelly breath, any ideas how to combat this? Am brushing my teeth 4/5 times a day atm
On day 8!: Hi all, I've quit again but seem... - No Smoking Day
On day 8!

Are you sure its not a sinus issue? Could be since you've stopped smoking its more detectable. I had a vicious sinus infection from an infected wisdom tooth, it gave me a foul taste and although no one else could smell it I thought I had bad breath. Get it checked with your dentist

Good to hear from you thorpey11 and great that you are back on the horse, well done on Day 8. 👏👍
Skyelady is spot on to head to your dentist for a check up and the sooner the better. Smoking masks so many things including mouth issues, decay and gum disease. I waited over a year after I stopped and had to get root canal treatment and put on an antibiotic for mild gum disease, cost me a small fortune
Stay close to us, re-read the pinned posts and if struggling let us know, we are here to help

Are you currently on any inhalers due to a chest condition?
Hey 2217 , was this question about inhalers for me or the OP thorpey11 ?
Hey sorry didn't see this nope no inhalers

Over 1 month now thorpey11 - how are you keeping?