Dear All,
I'm 27 years old single male uncircumcised had potential exposure am not sure if the condom broke while I had sex with CSW - vaginal and oral both protected.
Its been 9 weeks exactly and here's the quick overview of my current and past symptoms till date: (If you would like to refer the old post in detailed then kindly refer to link in the end of this message)
From Week 8 to 9 New Symptoms: Swollen Lymph Nodes Right hand side of my lower neck (to be more precise I see a nerve little swollen with a bulge in middle that is painful upon gently pressing) and on both armpits, Ear ache, tinnitus with complimentary headache.
** Erythrocytes,Mucus in my Urine - my urine was Dark from the day of exposure till date, it has strong odor at times - Urine culture that was done in Aug (Microscopic Hematuria) and this month Sep they have found below in Urine Analysis:
Erythrocytes 0.3 mg/L Expected - Negative, Result - Abnormal found erythrocytes
Mucus in Urine - Traces Expected - Negative, Result - Abnormal
Symptoms that persisted from past weeks are - Dark Urine, my penile head is red shiny with wrinkles feels very tender, whitish very little stuff not sure if its HPV (FYI - I take shower two times a day and have kept my penis clean at all times), I applied over the counter cream Clotrimazole for over 4 weeks (from week -3 to week-7 but there's no improvement as Doc' think its Fungi-yeast thing) I've switched multiple priv clinics and been ripped off $$$ -I haven't been applying any cream from past 2 weeks as the recent Doc said just leave it and also recommended to have sugary stuff saying - Don't Live Life in Fear, seriously??, Congestion in chest (difficulty in breathing lately), random fever, body feels hot but Thermometer doesn't seem to detecting the fever may be?
After dealing with my mind with ongoing stress - I finally decided to take STD's test:
**Hiv, hepatitis B, syphilis,chylamadia, Gonorrhoea at 7.5 Weeks - Negative was Elisa 4th Generation Duo Test. This is my only test that I've taken so far wasn't easy to have the courage to undergo these test. I have read some posts they suggested Elisa 4th Gen has very high rate of False Negatives and recommended rapid Test finger prick. For this Elisa 4th Gen Duo test - Nurse she drawn blood and it took 5 days to get the results. As I just had one single test so this fear has added more anxiety driving me take rapid finder prick test.
Regardless of the test, I would like to
- thank you all members of this forum including stuff especially Hidden Hidden Wiza who have encouraged me in getting tested and for their unconditional support.
As the Window Test period is 6 months (from what I gather through these multiple clinic's Family Doc)- I think my body has reacted and SeroConv is in action - ARS Symptoms no clue..?
I have never had any sexual activity, this was very first time and I know I have committed a mistake that would devastate my life, BTW- this guilt and shame are killing me each day trust me - I have not been the same person from past 2 months. I feel lost.
Few things from my recent doc - at third clinic suggested that after Urine culture didn't find any bacteria he said it could be trichomoniasis and said he could put me on Antibiotics. However, I am thinking to seek a Urologist or Infectious Disease Specialist having hard time find appointments..
(detailed symptoms can be found in my old post here's the
I have attached my penis condition and could acts as reference for others and may receive advise as well:
thank you all and dear Middleagedbloke and compton895 I really appreciate you guys for taking time to answer me everytime being humble. I sincerely appreciate - greatest respect for your contribution to this forum.
Please look after yourself be healthy and happy.