About - Men's Health Forum | HealthUnlocked

Men's Health Forum

35,195 members4,606 posts

About Men's Health Forum

This forum is for the discussion of all men's health questions except for those about the penis.


One man in five dies before the age of 65. Together we can change that.

The Men's Health Forum is a charity that works to improve the health of men and boys.

Through our advice, research and campaigning we aim to reduce the tragic deaths of men and boys who simply die too young because of preventable health problems.

This community is to discuss men's health generally. If you have a specific medical query go to manmot.co.uk.

The Men's Health Forum (England and Wales) is a registered charity (No 1087375).

Guidelines Highlights

Be supportive
Actively listen & have in mind that everyone deals with their own private challenges
No penis or circumcision issues
We have a separate forum for this topic: https://healthunlocked.com/menshealth-penishealth
Discuss health topics only
No politics, commerce or spam please.
If sharing information, share the source
Use sources such as the NHS or Men's Health Forum and add the URL to your reply or post
Share experiences don't diagnose
Let's focus on individual health experiences
View detailed guidelines

Moderation team

Norwich1 profile image
jimpollard profile image
mpntod profile image
crstein profile image
View all community members


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One man in five dies before the age of 65. TOGETHER we can change that.

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