Hi all posting for my husband. He recently got put on Enalaphril blood pressure medication, 5mg once a day. The first week his blood pressure went down from 170/95 to 129/80. However, two days ago when he tested (the doctor told him to test everyday and record until next appointment), it was 148/96. He got discouraged and stopped testing. He is still taking the medication but is having some strange side effects. Pain in his back/ side of body, muscle pain, hot flashes ( best way to describe it), unable to sleep. When he called the doctor she said nothing to worry about, it may be him just being worrysome and anxious. Yea my husband worrys alot, but he has been telling her about the acid reflux he has been having, but the doctor isnt seeing the link between the acid refkux and his high blood pressure either. He also suffers from sinisitus. Not sure what to do. FYI - husband is a former collegiate athlete (basketball and baseball), very fit, no other medical problems).
New to blood oressure medication - Men's Health Forum
New to blood oressure medication

For someone who has been driven, he does not seem to be that bothered about his health. He needs to see his GP again and stress the acid reflux and the fact that he is not sure that the BP medication is working. He may have to hold his hands up to not doing the testing he agreed to do. He obviously needs to tell the GP about the BP medication. There are others he can be prescribed. Has he had blood tests to check his cholesterol and general blood health?
Best to test every day and have proof the meds aren't working, of aren't working well. If you complain without evidence the Dr may assume non compliance. I would suggest taking three readings over a few mins and averaging them. (Average all the top numbers, then average all the bottom ones) as BP readings can be so hit or miss anyway.