51 year old guy. No current medications. Reasonably fit, not overweight and in good health otherwise. Never smoked and do not drink excessively. I may have Prostatis or Bengin Prostate Enlargement?? My symptoms according to NHS info online could fit either. Urologist unable to offer a diagnosis at this stage.
Have issues with weak flow, minor pain at tip of penis, feeling of some urine retention and stop/start peeing. Since youth never had a great urine flow. To be honest my symptoms are a bit uncomfortable but not terrible. Could try paracetamol but have not to date.
No strictures, bladder normal and all lower tracts fine on cystoscopy as per Urologist. My prostate smooth on DRE. My wife is 38 and may want a baby. Heard terrible reports about this alpha blocker especially on sex life! Really not keen to start medication at 51 and potentially being stuck on it for 30 years or more!!
All lower urinary tracks fine and been told not prostate cancer. Having ultra scan to check upper tracts on Monday. VERY WORRIED and not sure whether to do trial or not?
Any advices really welcome as very worried, concerned re sexual activity (and wife much younger and agile etc) and overall devastated that this is happening to me. I guess I’ll need surgery longer term and it doesn’t seem as if an enlarged prostate or prostitis can be treated - you kind of have to put up and shut up.
thanking you all in advance, g2409 😊