I got circumcision on 2nd feb 2018 due to phimosis , i am 24 years old, 10 days now , i have shown this to my Dr. , he re prescribe my dose of augmintin 1000mg duo , still nothing is happening ... please if anyone faced similar issue in the past , guide me please
Hi my stitches area at frenulum getting... - Men's Health Forum
Hi my stitches area at frenulum getting swelled up more, its 10 days now since the surgery and its paining as well when touched

Hey I’m 14 days post op. For me personally I was only tender for the first 5 days. Times gonna be your best friend. It helps having distractions such as Xbox or something to keep your mind off of things. Also for me I noticed after a nice long warm shower. Any pain or discomfort subsided as I felt much more clean and relaxed. If you don’t already it helped me to put neosporin and gauze around my dick to keep the stitches from catching on my underwear. Any questions just let me know.
Thanks .. warm shower is a good idea ... i was taking showering covering my penis as i thot water will make it more swell
Yah I wouldn’t let the shower water hit it directly but just face away from the shower and let the water flow down. Helps clean off any blood from the surgery if any left too!
Hey Sagar, i think i had something very similar. I went to my doc and was recommended to take augmentin as i had a slight odour and
It was pretty gunky, especially around where the frenulum was. Anyway i was on it for 6 days and went back for a checkup. Now when I originally went a swab was taken and sent off to get it checked. So the results of the swab had ecoli which is normal for that area. Its in your gut and poo but to be safe i was put on a different antibiotic called ciprofloxacin as augmentin cant fight ecoli. So that was 8 days ago and everything is healing really well. Still though i think that area takes a while longer to heal as your penis rests on your balls so its a hot sweaty patch. I have a bath in the evening with a few capfuls of dettol and then let it dry well. I bandage up during the day with a non adherant bandage. So far im 3 weeks post op today. Hope this gelps you!!
Thanks ...i will discuss it with my doctor ...because augmentin is not working anymore i think
Hi i did bath with dettol water ..its 19 days and frenulum got a cut and lot of blood came out... i stopped it with ice ...but it is still swelled up ... any idea about this condition
Hi. I had my surgery 9 days ago and all seems to be going well. Are you still putting bandages on it 3 weeks later? My frenulum had a tiny bleed earlier today but it stopped and I've been soaking it in a jug of warm salty water and I think it's helping. I don't see any movement from the stitches yet. The skin below the head area seems to have a kind of "fold" in it so I dont know if it didn't join up properly or if this is the way it's meant to be. I won't know until after the stitches are gone. Bruising and swelling are almost gone completely now. It's starting to look better. My surgeon is 3 hours away on the other side of the country. I'm on the west coast of Ireland. I had the surgery done in a private clinic in dublin
Im on outside Dublin myself but your local GP is best. See i had the little infection which has added on a few weeks, I bandage it for work so i know the unhealed part isn’t rubbing anywhere it shouldn’t. I found the rest of the incision healed fine when I bandaged it for work but i took it offas soon as i got home and got in the bath shortly after. I dont know about you but did you find aftercare appalling?
I should add bandages at 4.5 weeks buts its just a small gauze, few wraps and a bit of sticky wrap. Nothing professional
Yeah. After care was awful. I went private. I know it shouldn't matter but my GP is female and a family friend so I just did this for me and my own comfort. The surgeon said to drop by any time but it's not that easy... I have a non stick 4 in x 4 in square that I cut in half and wrap around the scar area and hold it together with some tape. It's been working fine.
Did it get caught on something? I know as i healed a little scab came off and the blood wouldnt stop for 10 minutes on my frenulum. I doubt its anything to worry about, if it swoll its a natural reaction. If you are concerned, do speak to your doctor, were you prescribed a different antibiotic from your previous reply?
Way better now, nearly fully healed after 4.5 weeks, maybe another 2 weeks left i hope!!
Well I'm on day 10 now and all seems to be healing nicely. Just the stitches still there. A couple of them seemed to be unravelling so i just pulled on them and they just pulled through. No pain thankfully. I've been using my old jug with warm salty water a few times a day and I think it's really helping.
I still put on a dressing when I'm going to work and tight fitted boxers just until the stitches are gone. It keeps me from jumping if it gets squashed going up or down stairs. If I wince in a bit of pain I just blame it on a sore back even though I'd love to grab my crotch and fix it in a better position. No one has caught me readjusting myself so far.
Last night I had an erection that wouldn't go away and it was a bit stinging so I had to give in and clear the pipes. It didn't take much but I have to say that it looks great.!!! I was expecting rips and blood this morning but I was very gentle with it. Hope everything is going well for you all.