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Macular Society

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All posts for April 2018

Referred to Eye Infirmary for wet AMD ......

I am looking for advice really. My husband was referred by the optician to the E...
abys profile image

17 with macular degeneration?

After going to the optometrist once again (3rd time) a few days ago I was told t...
AnxiousGrunt profile image

Update. What next?

Hi. Had my meeting with consultant following third injection for CNV two weeks...
2468G profile image
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have any advancement on macular Scar Treat

I am 33 years old my best corrected Va is 6/60 in both eyes . Vision is graduall...
brgautam profile image


Does anyone experienced a small shimmer in peripheral view. Opthalmologist ruled...
Nadz001 profile image

Amsler Grid

Out of curiosity, I have wet md in one eye so I had severe vision loss and on am...
Ngatt profile image

Mini-monocular for seeing detail

My right eye is not a lot of use, and my left one is fairly limited (I am regist...
StokeySue profile image


Hi I’m new here but just found out I’ve had a bleed in right eye and have had fi...
Dobson11 profile image

Macular Hole treatment help

My wife found out last sat at secsavers that she has macular hole in retina. Was...
Kit1066 profile image

Faded words

Has anyone experienced slightly faded words when reading on laptop and mobile on...
Ngatt profile image


I have had wet macular dystrophy since I was 19 years old. I am 33 now. Recently...
Ngatt profile image


I have had wet macular dystrophy since I was 19 years old. I am 33 now. Recently...

Antidepressants and AMD

Hello, I'm new to this forum. I'm a 54 year-old man with early signs of macular ...
Ash111 profile image

Large black disc in both eyes

Hi everyone just introducing myself to all. I have been told I have the starting...
Kwaker profile image

Feel let down

I was diagnosed with dry macular and cataract in both eyes last year. I was give...
Boxnox7174 profile image

Dry Macular

I have slight dry macular, which has worried me, has I live alone.
Dysart profile image

double vision

I live in southern Mexico in the winter. I had been diagnosed a year ago at age...
2see profile image

Ache in Eye

I had a sort of dull ache in the eye that has WMD (had 3 injections, last one ab...
ANGIEIRISH profile image

It's NOT my imagination!!!

It has now been only 24 hours since I got my first injection - but right from fi...
Bazza1234 profile image

Drusen in macula at the age of 21

Hello I am 21 and I have been told that I have drusen in both eyes. I have no ot...
cutiepie88 profile image

Swollen and bruised eye after AMD injection

My eye is still swollen and still feels slightly bruised more than a week after ...
Pdh121600 profile image

1st injection today - not wet or dry MD

I have been told that I have Macular Edema - secondary to a Macular vein occlusi...
Bazza1234 profile image

Black doughnut with gold center

Hello. I found out about 6 mos. ago that I have wet AMD in my right eye, and dr...
Jihm profile image

Floaters and dots before my eyes

Hello I am new to this site. I have suddenly have found that the floaters in my...
battybertha profile image

Spectacles and MD??

It seems that I have MD in one eye and the other eye is good. Except that I usua...
Bazza1234 profile image


Has anyone had nausea after an AMD injection? I had an injection 4 days ago an...
Pdh121600 profile image


Does anyone take bilberry extract vitamins I just saw a health food store ad for...
thom3patty profile image

Wet to dry? Anyone hear of this?

A friend has had 2 injections for wet macular degeneration and experiencing sore...
Dbakepa profile image

What is the best way to get detailed information on the present state of my AMD.

For more than 7 months I have not been seen by a consultant. Have had injections...
Hidden profile image

Update 3rd ozurdex implant

Hi guys. Had my third implant Tuesday. Different Dr again so was a bit nervous....
Hidden profile image