Posts - Macular Society | HealthUnlocked

Macular Society

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All posts for October 2015

Window defect and MD

Hi All, I have early stage MD, which currently is being treated by avastin (sin...
fmarston profile image

Problem in bright light or sunlight

Hi,i am suffering from stargardt's and i face too much problem in sunlight , i u...
Hanyam profile image


Does anyone know what maculopathy is? I have early stage ARMD i have also therma...
EllenSaul-1 profile image
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Hi my name is Ellen, i have just been diagnosed AMD a parently i had signs 2yea...
EllenSaul-1 profile image

Dome-shaped macular

I started noticing a problem with my left eye in April in that everything I saw ...
LouBoo profile image

Very confused

Please can someone tell me what to do, or at least agree with me. I have wet am...
Kimkar001 profile image