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Macular Society

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All posts for November 2017

Update 5weeks after 2nd ozurdex implant

Hi guys, I've had great news. My oedema is completely gone! Best result in 2 1/2...
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Your opinion please

This might be like closing the gate after the horse has bolted but - I am consid...
Bobbie915 profile image

Speaking in Parliament today as giving oral evidence at APPG - sight loss and visual impairment enquiry

Hi all I have been asked to share my sight loss story today in parliament and am...
tallyho profile image
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Too many to ignore!!

I have read many reports relateng to "Reversing or/and arresting AMD. They all ...
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On avastin for almost a year, every 6 weeks. After shot a week ago , pain with e...
burleybb profile image

Large blindspot- macular damage caused by retinal migraine or AMN- sunlight/hormonal trigger

Apologies for this very long post. I’m feeling lost after getting a sudden blind...
Cmat profile image


Been diagnosed with cnv and a am having monthly injections, does anyone know why...
Jharwood18 profile image

'Historic' WMD - an UPDATE

The Doctor at yesterday's visit to Moorfield confirmed that it was posible that ...
yotboy profile image

Anyone Here Has Angioid Streaks?

Hi! I was diagnosed about a month ago with angioid streaks bilaterally. The RS w...
chbn profile image

..pls help info for my brother

Hello, I am writing this email on behalf of my 36 yr old brother who has cen...
pila123 profile image

useful information

Thought this is worth passing on- I spoke to the charge nurse about my cyst yest...
rosyG profile image


I have had 65 injections in my left eye and 56 in my right eye. In June my left ...
Hoggy4 profile image

? any info about cysts after injections?

I had my latest Eyelea injection on 20th October and noticed some discomfort ( m...
rosyG profile image

Eye drops

Has anyone else tried the Nano eye drops from Lorati ?
Hidden profile image


Has anyone used this product, supposedly it can help with retinal damage.
Harrymole profile image

'Historic' WMD??

I was diagnosed with WMD ( left eye) 4 years ago and have had more than 30 injec...
yotboy profile image

Starburst and ghost image after pupil dilation from tropicamide and phenylephrine

I recently got my eyes dilated with tropicamide and phenylephrine on October 9th...
Aluc profile image

Macular degeneration

I few hours ago I went to get a regular eye exam and the eye doctor told me ever...
Mike79 profile image