today I did something outrageous…for me. I coloured my hair with pink and blue highlights at the hairdresser. This is very new for me.
1: I did not feel worthy of having money spent on me but today I did just that.
2: drawing attention in any way to myself did not feel safe. Today I felt safe reminding myself that many people , do this hair colouring daily, but that bad things don’t happen to them because of the colour in their hair. Basically bad things happen because nit everyone in the world is nice.
I am challenging many things lately mostly sbout my thought processes and catastrophising. My thoughts have taken me no held me captive in some very dark places.
My role in keeping safe is around locking doors in my car when driving and doors and windows at home. I cannot control my environment and other people I can be mindful of what’s going on around me without being hyper vigilant. It’s a fine balancing act really.