Posts - Gluten Free Guerrillas | HealthUnlocked

Gluten Free Guerrillas

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All posts for April 2012

Did anyone else have to eat wheat for a period of time before they could be tested for being a coeliac?

I have a wheat intolerance but recently had major tummy troubles. My GP thinks ...
Rustykat profile image

Has anybody tried any good diets in order to lose weight or any good tips ?

Having CD makes the diet quiet restricted in order to lose some weight. Any advi...
mosqueta profile image

Immune System affected!

Do you find that having coeliacs disease this can affect the immune system when ...
Pebbles1 profile image
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How do I know if I have coeliac?

Hi i'm new on this website and I'm interested in a few things concerning coeliac...
Frenchgirl profile image


hi can any 1 tell me went to a freinds house for a meal the sweet was a wiehgt w...
barny profile image

Does anyone have a problem with Soya. I am gluten and dairy intolerant so have been having quite a lot of soya products.

suecee profile image

mood swings and depression

I wondered if other members had significant mood swings and depression when the...
Hidden profile image

New theories that are creating problems for coeliacs

Hello Everyone, I have read several articles recently that indicate that beside...
Lynxcat profile image


I've recently gone gf and felt completely myself again after also cutting out da...
becky139 profile image

A useful petition for modern times

I have had some truly great medical care and also some which has been truly awfu...
MaryF profile image

GFG Newbie - Am I Gluten sensitive?

For the last 3 months I have been feeling rough. Abdominal pain, Nausea, Loose s...
Craig333 profile image

is it just me... or do other cd sufferers get offered fruit starter and vegetables every time they eat out?

after having cd for years i have only ever been offered fruit as a starter ie me...
maddy1968 profile image

is anyone else taking folic acid ....and is this cd related?

i am a fellow caeliac sufferer who has thyroid problems too...which i understand...
maddy1968 profile image

Has being diagnosed with coeliac disease altered your or your child's relationship with food?

e.g. for the better - do you eat healthier foods? Or for the worse? Do you crav...
FionaGFG profile image

wot r the chances of my 3yr old growin out of havin coeliac?

pickford profile image

I've been concerned at reading here recently about so many things I shouldn't be eating, that i was unaware of.

eg, bean sprouts & strawberries. I don't understand how this is a problem for us...
lamcg profile image

I need to find somewhere that we can take my 90 year old grandma for her birthday lunch, my 8 year old is a very sensitive coeliac...

We are in Sutton in Surrey, and have only found The Harvester and The Carvery th...
Ryott profile image

Online Shopping...

Does anyone else find online food shopping really difficult? I don't have a car...
Antonia profile image

Can My Son Play With DRY gluten Pasta

The nursery where my son goes to plays with pasta shapes and was just wondering ...
bennutley profile image

Is there any point in taking Vitamins ? Or am I just making expensive pee ?

I remember some time ago a thing about how most people are wasting money on vita...
Mylesahead profile image

So what should I eat before running a Half Marathon ?

Recently I was delighted to find out I could eat Oats... only to find out even m...

Still tired

I was diagnosed with ceoliacs about a month ago, and even since cutting out glut...
becky139 profile image

Has anyone with CD also been diagnosed with Hashimoto's Thyroiditis? Have you taken Thyroxine and does it help?

I'm loathe to start taking it as I know that once you start you can't stop.....a...
john-b profile image

Can anyone tell me how far you have to go with kitchen hygiene?

Recently diagnosed with cd and have just seen the dietitian. I had understood s...
jan44 profile image

100%gluten free

I was recently told to take gluten out of diet as suspect I have sporadic gluten...
Elder profile image

how long is the average to feel better.

My doc has recently suggested going wheat free, as my ibs has steadily got worse...
junejolly profile image

Should humans be eating any grains at all?

I have been reading quite a lot on the web recently that puts forward the theory...
Lynxcat profile image

I was wondering if anyone can tell me what's in bean shoot's that coeliac's are'nt allowed them

viv50 profile image

Graves patient with coeliac symptoms but normal bloods

Hi I have Graves disease (autoimmune hypothyroid disease), although I am trying ...
Debs11 profile image

I have a lot of skin problems, hand eczema, spots, cold sores, is this just me or typical of a coeliac?

mel-mel profile image