I have a lot of skin problems, hand e... - Gluten Free Guerr...
I have a lot of skin problems, hand eczema, spots, cold sores, is this just me or typical of a coeliac?
since i've been gf, which is about 3 months my skin has started to improve, the eczema on my face has just about gone, and the rest seems to be going away. another thing i've notice is that my hair is no longer greasy.....now wheather thats from being gf i have no idea....but i can live in hope..
Hi I am under a dermatologist with my skin problems. I suffer badly with acne which I am on medication for at the moment and it seems to be workin (fingers crossed) cold sores, dry chapped hands etc... not sure if its related or not?? but my spots get worse if I have an upset tummy so........ who knows??
I'm 40 and only became GF 18 months ago. I'd suffered from 'teenage skin' since I was a teenager, and having acne at my age really sucked. Within about 3 months of going GF I saw a marked improvement, from seeing a new spot almost every day, to it being more weekly... now I feel like a normal adult, I get the occasional spot, but nothing to write home about, which is brilliant as I wasn't expecting that to be fixed as well by going GF! So, yup, for me there has been a link between skin and coeliacs.
Lots of skin conditions improve with B vitamins. CD can lead to low levels of Folic Acid which is a B vitamin. Making sure you have a decent intake of green leafy veg and eggs a couple of times a week as well as seeking out cereals that have got B vits added can help. Unfortunately GF breads are not folate supplemented.
I remember a child in my care many moons ago who had terrible skin issues as the liquid feed preparations he was being tube fed were not giving him sufficient B vitamins. His cracked lips and other sore areas on his face cleared up really quickly once he was topped up and I have remembered about B vits and skin ever since.
i have been a celiec for 10months and had rough skin on my hands and they cracked didnt know wot it was they used to bleed to but within 6months went back to normal i didnt relise it was connected and my skin is smoother too x
I have been a diagnosed coeliac for about 12 years and although I've seen dramatic health improvements from being gf I still don't seem to be 100%. My hand eczema just won't shift. I'll try taking vitamin B supplements. I'm wondering if it's possible to have permanent damage from it taking so long to diagnose me. I was told I had M.E and for nearly ten years ate gluten unknowing it was making me so I'll!!
Mel-Mel it's worth seeing your Dr and asking about a referral to a Dermatologist or at least what they can do for you. I suffered from bad psoriasis and eczema as a child. It came and went throughout life. After going gluten-free I had a number of flare ups. It has mostly improved but having seen a Dermatologist I've been prescribed some good creams for flare ups. It's worth discussing what can be done with your Dr. If your eczema is on your hands could it be something that you're coming into contact with that could be causing it? Again worth discussing with your Dr.
I find being cows milk free helped my eczema, there are so many different milks and drinks made now for people who can't tolerate caseine( protein in cows milk) and lactose(sugar in cows milk) now it isn't that hard to be both gluten and dairy free. There are yogurts, made by alpro,which are delish, and they also make a fresh single cream, not tried this yet. The Alpro Almond drink, used as milk, is great in tea and makes nice sauces. There is goats and sheeps milk and yogurts too. I found some dries coconut milk in Tescos made by Maggi(World food Section) a good pantry standby to have in. No I am not into advertisement for these companies just think its easier to give you specific products than wishy washy directions xxxx