I wondered if other members had significant mood swings and depression when they were having a coeliac attack. I am life long coeliac with GF diet usually well under control, but find on those occassions I have a problem as bad as the physical symptoms is the accompanying mood swings.
mood swings and depression: I wondered... - Gluten Free Guerr...
mood swings and depression
you have hit a nail on the head there,i thought it was just me being a miserable sod.I was blaming everything,my job,tiredness,the weather,winter blues,never thought it could be connected with coeliacs.So who knows?
I have severe depression, I wonder if the loss of vitamins Bs and D when we are glutened would make this worse?
Hi mss100, I have definitely noticed a corelation between being 'glutened' and getting mood swings...I find it depends on the level of 'glutening'...sometimes the mood swings result in anger and anxiety, other times depression, sadness...I do take extra B complex vitamins and since going gf I think my body seems to absorb them better. Hope you manage to find some relief!
hi thanks for responding, it is nice to know i am not alone - sometimes just to know you are not immagining it is a help...
Yep - I'm miserable as sin when I've been glutened and there's nothing I can do to change it. I had problems with feeling down when I was younger and I have been wondering if it's related to being ceoliac?