Posts - Gluten Free Guerrillas | HealthUnlocked

Gluten Free Guerrillas

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All posts for May 2012

dexa scan information please - do you need to take any meds to enhance scan is it an x ray ? radiation, enclosed? and how long does it take

terri profile image

Is it better to have naturally gluten free rather than gluten free range and if so why

terri profile image

Where can i purchase these GF items please?

Is cornflour o.k in ingredients, also what about yeast extract? I also would lik...
paulb44 profile image
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I would like some tips on how to compile a weekly diet please! :)

I am a newly diagnosed celiac, also hypothyroid, and am having real trouble with...
paulb44 profile image

New Coeliac site wants your recipes & reviews!

We're often asked on here for recipes for GF food. As we've explained before thi...
FionaGFG profile image

Has anyone tried & stuck with the Paleo diet?

i.e. given up on processed GF foods like bread & pasta and instead gone back to ...
FionaGFG profile image

bowels and burning

another episode of bowels over working got a comode now as i only have 1 toilet ...
katluck profile image

itchy bumpy rash on elbow

ive had this itchy bumpy rash appear on my elbow is this caused by celiac/gluten...
glutenhater profile image


hi this is very interesting, i am very ill at the moment, i have been in hospita...
glutenhater profile image

Gp's focused on hypothyroidism instead of diagnosing gluten intolerance!!

After battling with autoimmune hypothyroidism for 2 years. No medication was wor...
paulb44 profile image

Anyone else not impressed with NHS treatment of Dermatitis Herpetiformis diagnosis?

Just yesterday (a full 4 months) after the initial consultation at the dermatolo...
Lexy profile image

Does anyone else think Ceoliac uk charging a minimum of £5 is right?

I just tried to join Ceoliac uk and cant just now because I dont have £5 to spar...
Elspeth profile image

Think yourself better ......

Sometimes, I think that I read too much but this little article made me do a dou...
Lynxcat profile image

i my 3 yr old daughter was diagnosed last year with CD and now it is time to test my 1 yr old, .

rather than put her through the 2 yearly tests can I get a dna test to see if s...
gemdun profile image

Can anyone Reccomend a good GF recipe book.?

Hi everyone, I'm following gluten free for thyroid and DH issues. I cook a...
anniet profile image

New information about 'Goblet Cells' that may give information to scientists about possible treatment for coeliacs

I came across this article and thought that some of you may find it promising. I...
Lynxcat profile image

How much are you spending weekly

I'm spending rediculous money per week..GF and lacto free is not cheap for me..I...
Ian67 profile image

NHS Allergy testing?

Has anyone had NHS allergy testing for you or your child after diagnosis? What d...
FionaGFG profile image

Who went to the London Allergy & Free From show & what did you think?

The next one is at Liverpool in October. Do you think it's just a cake & bread f...
FionaGFG profile image

Bone density scans

How often should these be done? I was at the GP a couple of years ago with achey...
weee profile image

Newsflash: Gluten Free pizza trial in UK!

Have you read our new blog post about a new gluten free pizza trial in the UK? ...
FionaGFG profile image

CD and osteoporosis

Sitting in hospital now with a broken wrist caused by osteoporosis. It's not th...
Mia1057 profile image

Desperate for bread

I need a recipe for dummies for bread.. Can't tolerate the GF stuff.. But desper...
Ian67 profile image

Eating out in TURKEY???

I am a newbie and am looking for knowledge from anyone who has travelled to Turk...
megan01 profile image

Eating out on a date

Right what meal could I order without making a big fuss on a first date That I c...
Ian67 profile image


Asked doctor to re test my vit D and folic acid levels now I been takin them for...
Ian67 profile image

Any one else have Coeliac disease and high cholestral have any tips on how to deal with both?

lindanewman12 profile image


my yr old daughter has celiacs she was tested at 18mths i went on the atkins die...
dh-b profile image

Join in for Coeliac Awareness!

Calling all Guerillas! Join in our Coeliac Awareness UK campaign. Tweet or P...
FionaGFG profile image

how many people have had celiac antibody blood tests come back negative? but they still think they've got coeliac disease?

glutenhater profile image