I called my docs this morning and asked for an appointment again. My 3rd attempt this week. All they could offer was a call back via telephone. He rang me back asked what was the problem. "No sleep for weeks is my problem" I told him i needed to be seen TODAY...
He told me there were no apts and to call next week, I told him i insist i see someone TODAY.. He repeated, "no apts today, its not an emmergency !!!!! I told him i can NOT wait till next week, ive been calling everyday for 5 days to get an appointment, by the time the receptionists answer the cal the apts have all gone. He just kept talking over me and saying its not urgent..
I was livid, maybe not to you its not urgent but if i have to do another weekend and may still be told monday, no apts. That was it I started shouting because he was talking over me all the time trying to tell me I WAS NOT important enough. How dare he, Because i havent slept for weeks my fibro and ME, is so much worse than it needs to be. He did eventually give me an apt for 3pm today.
The locum gp wasnt much better, he asked me why i wasnt sleeping??? I told him prob because of the pain!!! So he wanted me to take over the max dose of co-codamol or increase gabapentin, Or swap to tramadol or naproxen.. I told him i had tried all of his suggestions and they made me poorly with stomach pain, he said "well we are running out of options"... He gave me sertraline 50mg one daily and to take 2 gabbapentin at night instead of 1....
I came away again feeling deflated, so ive been out and bought nytol. So im not going to take the sertraline until ive tried the nytol. Lets see what effect they have????