today i was up at the crack of dawn to get ready for my little mans (well not so little he is 9 )
growth hormone deficiency blood test ,i had to pick my mum up very early going through rush hour traffic to make sure i got back in time to get me and jay to hospital jenny lind ward
on time
and i might add i had to wake up my eldest daughter to look after the little ones while i did this
now anyone who has or has had teenagers will know what i meen ,she didnt go to bed untill 2.00am !
so waking up said teenager at the ungodly hour of OMG 7.30AM !!!! well it deserves danger money i can tell you !
so mum/nan all picked up and intructions for the remaining 4 children in the house ,we set off !
my butterflies are absolutly awful ,so god knows what poor jays were like ,
so we arrive in plenty enough time lots of parking spaces WAHOOOO ! in my local hospital its unheard of lol
so we go in to the day ward and the lovely nurse (male ) explanes everything to jay and me
and then came the dreaded canular (dont know if thats spelt right )
i forgot to say this blood test lasts FOUR HOURS so hence the canular ,
well bless him he was sooo brave ,he didnt shed a tear .even though at one point he grabbed it and took it out lol ,
so had to start again ,oh well ,
so then came the injection of growth hormones ,and bless him he got a bit upset ,(dont tell anyone i promised i wouldnt )
so then came the good bit ,sitting there for 4 hours !!!!
every 15mins they took blood from my jay and not once did he mone ,at one point he says "oh its alright save you walking round i will come to you " and walked over ,held his arm out so the nurse could take the blood
so even though iam in absolutly utter agony from sitting in a wooden chair solidly for over 4 hrs ,how can i moan !
my little man sat there as good as gold and let them take blood from him every 15 mins for 4 hrs !
im a very proud mummy lol
well i know its such a long blog but i had to share how proud iam of my baby jay ,he will always be baby jay to me even when he is 40 ! lol
hope everyone is ok love and hugs lynz xxxx