Hi Dollies,
hows everyone coping today???
just wandered if any of you have the experience and what goes on?
Since seeing the Neurologist who recomended me seeing 'apparently' a very good Brain specialist Steve Kemp ?? as i am a bit messed up and wants to try and 're tune' me..how i have no idea because i believe once your messed up you are and there is no turning back!
as he stroked the feather i watched but knew doing it did not tickle or anything kinda nothing much but said i could feel it . the tuning fork on left foot could not feel would not mind when he did it was waiting for him to say something lol but the right foot i could tell.
I said i felt like sparks have flown all over my body with the nerves (have nervce compression on spinal cord on nerves) how on earth do you know whats going on anyway when on so many meds!! lol
Really weird because nothing felt ticklish everything felt bland or it could be physcological ( i think they should do it with your eyes shut and ask where they are touching) there could be people who are worried of outcomes.
Ms is out and Brain Scan Normal. I did get instantly Benign Hypermobility Syndrom as i am extremely bendy wendy!!
if i get arm tapped or like my hubby picked my leg off his on sofa i nearly hit roof (this is obviously down to the nervous system) i have to use my keys to knock on a door of any house as my hands are too sensitive? In the heat i came out all in blotches up my arm (not troublesome at all) but get very heavy and fatigue and sweat more than i used to and so fidgety.
I not sure how some one who not in your body can diagnose such a complex thing . I stil on/ff think Ms becaues of months or wks of things and then when neck went i finaly triggered after a few wks that i was getting new symptoms on Thursdays! and my periods are herendous with new or old symptoms this year i feel more weakness, strength, burning my face has had some real trigger problems and burning jaw and aching and my cheek bones.. i am pretty fed up i guess of getting pushed around and you feel like they think its in your head at times
I as i have mentioned take Lyrcria which personaly is a 'Magic pill' for me after trying many things even Tramadol, codeine, Amitryptiline, Neurontin and with me working i have to have something ( i feel half normal) but every day is unpredictable (VERY) and depends on weather etc aswell as noticed.
I hate the cold weather i numb very easily and cannot feel my left foot mainly it flops and my hands and arms so much that i can not use hands to use my debit card as too numb, or i get a heavy leg. I cannot understand how one minute can feel ok and the next laid up.
Instance saturday went White Rose to get my 11yr old some prom shoes and i was eager to finish and go after passing all the shops almost. slow potter round. feels like a differnt world for some reason now a days rather than an enjoyable experience.
I have had a lot of issues during my lifetime like many of you have. sprained ankles and broken bones, neck always going, every pregnancy in hospital, with one Very Rare form of glandular fever (very ill for months) IBS , Rapid pulse, kindney infections, blood loss, ruptured membrames (not nice as you can feel the baby as if on your skin) cried so much with that. premature births, Dry, socket, root canals, bad case of flu, depression, ear infections, back pains, hernias, MRI's 5 operations ohhh so much more some pretty personal too. all adds up why we get fibromyalgia i guess in the end. I am not sure what the clinical physcologist is meant to do or achieve!! ok so the BHMS adds to the issues but my concern is how long the compression has gone on how in 2yrs has everything triggered whats triggered it and why.. 'apparently ppl with BHMS should not really have ops or injections due to our soft ligaments and lack of collagen ( i always get water infections and have protein in it) my knuckles are slowly mishaping. Sooooo anyone any ideas especially those of you who had for years and may know more because everytime in past been ill and recover i never thought anything of it but 2yrs is a long time to be constant suffering.. should i accept it now or fight more lol xxxxhuggles