does anyone else get cold in their hands and legs ?? i have had this for ages now and my hands get that cold they go numb or hurt ,,,
so cold: does anyone else get cold in... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
so cold

yep sitting here with hands and feet like ice even with 2 x pairs thick wooly socks on hands a lovely shade of purple !!! trying to pick a match for them on the dulux colour chart lol and trying to get the energy to take dog up road and go meet my sister at 1 pm i her beuaty salon lol
so your not alone bless you it is horrible isnt it
love to you diddle x
p.s cant waitt o go to have a lovely hot bath lush
its horrible isnt it it hurts to walk x
YES yes yes...always cold which makes the pain worse..lets hope we have a hot summer!!!!!u r not alone!!!xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Yes me too, i'm always cold throughout my body, from my feet all the way up, i am also hopeing suffer comes soon xxx
so sorry summer comes very soon xx
Me to, hands feet, and knees of all silly things. Heated slippers for feet. Hot water bottle for the rest. xxx
Yes I've always had cold feet but now my hands have become unbareably cold. I have to have a hot water bottle for my feet. I feel as though I'm now going to have to wear gloves in bed whilst reading.
Jackie xx
I can relate to all of the above - My hands but particularly my feet are always cold. I wear two pairs of bedsox all brightly coloured or thick walking type socks and fingerless thermal gloves even in the house sometimes! My circulation has never been fantastic and since getting Fibro I've noticed I do feel colder. Hot water bottle for bed every night even during Summer and an electric blanket too and my trusty bedsox usually does the trick and keeps me warm enough at night. During cold days, lovely hot drinks keep me insulated - if I am warm, then my hands and feet don't feel so bad. I even resorted to buying a bed jacket like my Gran used to wear, but who cares, it's fluffy and warm and I can read and be comfy and warm in bed! (Come to think of it, what an image of myself that conjures up, bright bedsox, hot water bottle, fluffy bed jacket, and hubby still loves me haha!)