ive had a relatively pain free day today
i think im the only one at the mo really feel for all you out there that are suffering so much ,really want to send lots of love and really gentle hugs
its been busy ,busy today for me ,
went and picked my mum up to bring her to the mad house for a couple of hours lol
then was told i had to get hair dye for my eldest or she wasnt going to school on monday ,cause she would look awful . yeah ofcourse you would lol
so lots of money later and one mummy /nanny taken home i went and purchesed THREE hair dyes my daughter has such long hair it take 3 !
so after dinner i set apon doing the hair dye ,which is the most laborious task ever lol it takes forever !
then gave my other daughter a hair cut ,and while i was doing this my 2 yr old got into the toilet cause my 6 yr old didnt lock it ,(we have a lock on the outside to stop the little terror getting )
we heard a cry .went running through and he had gotten on the toilet and fell through and all you could see was little arms and legs waving ,and bless him he was trying to use the toilet roll on the holder to pull himself out but obviously every time he pulled, more toilet roll came with it lol
there was toilet roll everywere lol
but after a bath he was ok
night night to every one lots of love and gentle gentle hugs xxxxx
p.s this me last summer with my two gorgeous daughters