I have been so busy lately, once the cottage had been restored to its former glory I decided to sell up here in Yorkshire and relocate to Lincolnshire to be near my daughter and family as life is not getting any easier now I am 61. The house is sold subject to contract and I have bought a 2 bed bungalow (subject to contracts etc) YAYYY begone stairs...
You might recall me talking about my new baby granddaughter Alice, the first girl... she is now 18months old and is big sister to Amy who arrived on 19th March this year, have managed to change my profile photo to show me holding Amy the day after she was born. Yesterday the girls big brother Ben turned 8, where did those 8 years go.
My little man Oren is now 3 and going to be a big brother in November too although he says not ha ha..
Life has been hard since I lost my soulmate hubby in December 2012 and then my Mum in March 2013... but then God sent me two baby girls to love and now there is another grandbaby on the way.
Feel lucky to have the love of these beautiful children. But at the same time I need to relocate as I want to be near my daughter and the three bairns, here in Yorkshire I have a stepson, daughter in law and grandson but its not just quite the same. My daughter in law cannot help me much as she has mental health problems and I feel when my condition is really bad I can ask my daughter Katie to do anything for me, she is such a lovely young lady... almost 36 now but always my baby ha ha and absolutely my pride and joy.
Hope my long winded message finds you as comfortable as you can be and sending my best wishes and gentle hugs to you all. Angie