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10 Replies

i think everyone must be pout enjoying the sun anf having fun with the kids and their families as it is very quiet on here lately lol.

it started to rain here but has not come to much and now the sun is coming out so taking my dog out again as it is too nice to be stuck in here

love diddle xxx

10 Replies

Judging by the amount of messages, questions and blogs I am having to plough through today Diddle, take it from me there are many people around lol! Hundreds and hundreds . . . . . and hundreds lol! :D

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lol love diddle xx

dottii profile image

i am still here and trying to muster up the energy to take the dogs out where did I last see all that energy......golly wow..........its a mystery to me......hmmm will have a sit down and think, there again my head is filled with muddy stuff where once was meant to reside my la la la hey ho

muchly dottii x

It's too hot to take our dogs out today Dotti, one dog suffers with the heat. We almost lost him two years ago. It was a warm shady day too, nothing like the intense heat we have here on the South Coast today.

Like you Dottie, I wonder where my brain went . . . . it wanders all over place very easily, but to concentrate on one thing can be impossible, I really have to focus lol! The joys of Fibro! :)

dottii profile image
dottii in reply to

Golly, I'm not far from the coast at the moment and it isn't hot at the moment, but honestly I never really have to "walk" them, they do it themselves as my cottage is surrounded by fields one side and a river walk the other. Sometimes I manage to stumble around after them, but they are so so good and know when i'm not up to much and go on a "DIY' walk :-)

Oh dear Libby, your poor dog, does he have a very thick coat? I do understand about the heat, and I am so pleased he pulled through. My jack/yorkie has to have a hairdo each year so that he doesn't overheat but my other jack seems to have a really smooth light coat, she spends a lot of the time in her polka dot bikini when we have any sun at all, I was told when I rescued her that she liked sun bathing and boy oh boy she really does, coming in occasionally to check i'm still there and to have a spot of gin and tonic (water) before returning to her patch :-) :-)

Glad I'm not alone on the brain front in a way, but in another I would never wish the muddle headedness that i have most of the time on anyone, I repeat myself endlessly, i now know the look that comes across friends faces when i've eagerly told them something, only to be told its about gazzillionth time i've told them eeekkkkk

Get thee to a nunnery Dottii :-)

muchly x

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Not something I have to worry about too much up here at the moment but one of my whippets nearly died of heat exhaustion! Had to be put on a drip. He was the wildest chap I've ever had and he chased a fox for hours on one of the hottest days ever in the UK. The silly fox came into my garden from the woods behind! Just had to say that. Been missing my dogs so much recently but I just can't walk them when I can't look after myself.

Christine x

Hello Dotti, wow we have two Jack Russells too, they are both 6 years old. One we've had from an 8 week old puppy and the other we adopted from the RSPCA when he was 2 years old. It is the adopted dog that had heatstroke, the other dog Jed is as tough as old boots. Had we not taken Max to the animal hospital when we did he was an hour away from dying. The crazy thing was that it wasn't particularly hot, it wasn't even sunny. He had been following hubby up and down the garden path to the shed and garage throughout the day that was all. In the evening Max collapsed fitting and he couldn't walk. Thank God the vet put him on drips and gave him injections through the night monitoring him constantly and fortunately Max survived. He's a dear little thing like his "brother". In fact Max looks the spitting image of your profile picture, Max's nose is a little longer but the colours are exactly the same.

Jed and Max have short-haired coats. Jed is tri-coloured, tan and white with a black fleck in his tail. Max is tri-coloured too, he looks like your doggie in the photo. He only has tan on his face, the rest of him is white with big black patches. They are gorgeous animals, so loving and gentle.

We have a large decking area in our garden and the slightest sniff of a dry day whether Winter or any other season, the dogs bask on their blankets, so we have to be really careful with Max. Where we are moving to in a few weeks has a large decking area too so we will have to be one jump ahead if this heat continues.

I am constantly muddle headed lol, drives me nuts lol! I also have the problem with repeating myself a million times to my children apparently, so they tell me lol. :)

When you are at the nunnery Dotti, could you book me a room too! ;)

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dottii in reply to

Oh Libby, I am sure YOU don't need the nunnery, but as you ask I will mention your name in disptches and see what they come up with - maybe we could hold a jack russell convention when we are there?

Both of my present dogs are rescue, Mr Benjamin belonged to the ex-headmaster of my prep school and when I moved down here I was very quickly reunited with them. They were in their 80s and not in good health. To cut a longs story short Michael died and Anne had a stroke and lost her vision and short term memory. The only pleasure she could get was if I took Mr B into the nursing home so I took him in everyday, as if I was in her condition I would love to have had that done for me. She eventually died and Mr B certainly wasn't going to be rehomed, so he stayed and was very happy with my previous terrier - Gertrude Russell. Poor Gert died 2 years later having eaten 6 nurofen plus (i'd been giving them garlic pearls so she was used to the gelatine of the capsules) and she went into renal failure. £600 later she was very much better, then 11 months later she started showing symptoms again and I had to make the very hard decision to let her go whilst she still had her dignity. I sent me into the deepest depression I have ever been through - almost to the extent of doing something stupid so that I could be with her. Suffice it to say that I believe life is God given and its not ours to take. It took me four years before I got Poppie - someone rang me and told me that they had this tiny bitch who had been a brood bitch in outdoor kennels. In 5 years she had 4 litters, the last one being 9 delivered by C-section (the pups must have been no bigger than a mouse, if that) 7 survived. Then the old lady who owned 10 miniature brood bitches, died. The bitches then went to foster homes and I was contacted by someone who knew of me, at this point life was so easy with just Mr B I wasn't really interested in another, but when I clapped eyes on her it was love at first sight. It has been such a joy to see her confidence grow - she'd never been out of her kennel, nor had she ever had a collar and lead, and her house training wasn't great. But now she is an "ickle monkey" and captures the hearts of everyone who meets her. I take no responsibilty for her turning the corner - it is all Mr B showing her how safe she is and that I would never put her in any situation of danger. She has conquered nearly all of her phobias apart from flys. I imagine that the kennels probably weren't exactly clean thus flys were possibly having a complete field day. If a fly comes in the house now, her tail goes down and she gets herself out of the asap, poor little love !

Sorry for the diatribe - do give Jed and Max a hug from me and i'm sending gentle hugs for you muchly dottii x

Oh bless you Dotti, your message was so lovely to read. I am so sorry to hear about Gert - the problem with Jack Russells is they are so darn clever aren't they. The things my two do make my hair curl, cheeky things they are, but so adorable. I am not naturally a doggy person, I always preferred cats as a child. However, four dogs later, I am hooked lol!

It is amazing how much we love them isn't it. I've told hubby when we lose our dogs one day I am leaving home! (only kidding) He won't be able to cope with it, calls them "my boys" - there is no hope! He absolutely worships them, puts them both on his knee although there's no room. They all fall asleep in his armchair together, besotted!

I loved reading about Mr B teaching Poppie! Jed did the same with Max. Max didn't know how to play at 2 years old. He didn't know what a bone was or a doggy treat. He had never had a proper bed and lived in fear of being hit. He was shy and nervous to start with. Now through Jed and us being patient, he is a lively, playful, happy little soul who loves to spend hours chewing a bone or running round the garden playing ball! It's a joy to watch. Fortunately both dogs are very close and love each other, which is great. It's very satisfying isn't it adopting a rescue animal. We often say we are so happy to have saved Max and for Jed to have his brother now.

Thank you again for your lovely message Dotti, and see you in the nunnery lol! ;)

I'm still around too Diddle. I'm a bit frozen with - I don't know what to call it. It's not fear exactly and it doesn't feel like depression. My fibro is very quiet for once. I suppose I will snap out of it after my MRI on the 13th when I have a better idea of where the BC stands.

Love to you

Christine xxx

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