Hi not been on here for a few days as not been too good....went to the pool and walked up and down....showered and came home ...fit for nothing for 3 days .but gonna try again. tomorrow I hope
Well last night I went to a Pamper evening with my daughter and her friend,took Indie my little scooter,it was lovely. I had a back and shoulder's massage very gentle one...and a hand massage. I felt good...saw lots of people I have not seen since being ill last year. All done while sat on Indie
After we came out of there my daughter said "Its not very busy at the Karioke (not sure on spelling )do you want to pop in for an hour? " so on my scooter off I went with them to the club. it was so great to get out ,last time I went out was new year! well we had a laugh and sang a few songs everywhere was scooter friendly at the end of the night we won the £20 bar token !!
Again saw lots of people I had not seen for ages....My OH came and picked me up before the night clubbers swarmed the place.........I was all smiles
Got home watched some Children in need and then OH helped me to bed......Two hours later still awake and in lots of pain........got up for the loo then had to call OH and ask him if he could put me back in bed...something I cannot do is lift my legs! Read a bit still no sleep.....tossed and tried to turn ,pain not easing.......eventually at 8 o-clock I thought I just as well get up no sleep for this little hobbit tonight........Had to wake OH again as my chair lift extention was not down. Now I have a very grumppy husband who has had to go back to bed
and me well I am shattered by not able to lay down today.
I don't think I would change anything I did last night tho,because it made me feel half human again.....but it just goes to show that although I sat on my scooter for a few hrs....my Muscles were not amused!
Am sending you all ((((((((((((((((Gentle Hugs))))))))))))))))))))) and a pleasent weekend x
Rainbow x x