for a few months i have had problems with my hands. I am a online shopper in a supermarket. I only shop the 2 coldest parts of the store frozen and chilled. My fingers are getting very cold burning and numbness. I have just gone to pick my daughter up from work and had to wait 10 mins for her. By the time i got back home my fingers were numb and very pale. Im just wondering if anyone suffers with reynauds disease . I have a gp appointment on monday so got my daughter to take a picture. Does this go along side fibro. Many thanks
reynauds: for a few months i have had... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

Hi Paige, Yes they do often go hand in hand. If you have a photo to share with your GP that will help the diagnosis. I had Reynaud's a few years before fibro and he diagnosed it from the photo I took alongside the symptoms. Did some blood tests to check if it was secondary to something that needs managing (it wasn't).
I agree with the cold section in a supermarket - for me prevention is better than cure, so gloves in the winter and making sure I wear a jacket in the summer. It must look a bit strange putting a coat on to go into the shop... but there we go. Hope you get it resolved.
I've had it since in my 30's, now 66. Diagnosed before rheumatoid arthritis and fibromyalgia. I was told to wear gloves when shopping to protect my hands from the cold. Are you provided with any from work? I would think they should be able to if you asked, although I must admit it isn't as easy to pick things up! It can be very painful. Try and wear gloves as much as possible, even if just nipping out, I always have them on, my family tease me ππ I hope you get something sorted.
Hi Paige. Yes, I was diagnosed with Raynaud's in my twenties and then fibro in my fifties but I'm told that reynauds can occur with fibro.
HI , I've had Reynaud's as longer as I can remember..... even as far back as a child. My feet are grounds for divorce! My fingers are cold even when wearing gloves in the winter and find sheepskin mitts a bit better. The doc prescribed nifedepine which sort of works a bit but the side effect was that my feet and ankle swell up so I can't get my shoes/ boots on ( great) so I don't take them now!.
I have found that since I've had fibro .. with the hot and sweating one minute and cold then next I'm forever taking something off then putting it back on again..... drives me mad.. I'm home most of the time now so I tend to wear thick hiking socks, fleece lined slipper boots ... apart from gloves there's not a lot I can wear on my hands indoors as It's impractical.
Guess it could be worse. Take care x
Hi, I have Reynauds and fibro. Hands, ears and nose painful in the cold. I wear wool knee high socks in winter which help and keep a small pair of gloves in every handbag which I often have to use when I go out socially, even in summer.
Hey Paige 1999, yes I have Raynauds & the fybro & Raynauds can go hand in hand.
I took photos of my hands to show my doctor which helped with the diagnosis & am prescribed Nifedipine for it.
I find gloves (I wear fingerless gloves most the year round except summer indoors & thick gloves outside) 2 pairs of socks in the colder months & a hat to keep my ears & head warm. In the very cold weather I have a snood, which I got from Amazon, that has a bit that covers my nose as all my extremities get cold & painful.
The doctor who diagnosed me had Reynauds & gave me this advice & said to layer up & keep my core warm.
Going from cold to hot temperatures,ie- walking into a building in winter can cause pain & my hands to go red, I massage my hands which I finds helps.
Really feel it when I'm in the frozen section of the supermarket, so do feel for you with your job. When I defrosted the freezer at work the pain it caused was too much, I ended up wearing marigold gloves, which though a bit bulky did do the trick.
Sending gentle hugsπ€
My twin sister and I both have Reynauds. But we both had it long before we got fibromyalgia, so I don't think there is a connection for us. I think we both had starting as small children, but only realized a couple years ago. I just thought it was normal for people's hands and feet to go purple when too cold, but then I found out a couple years ago that its definitely not normal. Anyway, I would definitely recommend wearing gloves or at least finger-less gloves while you're working to try and keep your hands a bit warmer. You could also try using some compression gloves as they are supposed to improve the circulation(my sister and I both have some and find they help). Hope all goes well at your GP appointment.
Yes, I have it, very fetching blue fingertips even in summer. The GP prescribed Nifedipine which is a blood pressure tablet, however I couldn't tolerate it so that was that. I rely on keeping hands warm and I treat myself to the occasional hot wax hand treatment.
Hi, yes it sits with Fibro, it affects both my hands and feet all year round, have you tried compression gloves, They really make a difference and allow your hands to work better.
hi Paige ππΏπΈπ¦
You can google 200 symptoms of Fibromyalgia and review all that are possible from FM. I was surprised by the vast number and what all was revealed.
Hope this is helpful.
Love and prayers
EJ π€β€οΈπ₯°πποΈππΏπΈπ¦