Is there anyone that can give me any good advice. Over a good many years I was on a cocktail of pain medications. In the last couple I have managed to take myself off the pills but still remain on the Buprenorphine patch and anti-depressants. Because of being unsure if the patch was actually working now for me, this year I asked my GP if I could try to come off. I was on 10g/hour and although they only come in 5g amounts, my GP said to just change from 10g to 5g but fortunately, I had enough to cut the 10g down to 7.5g/hour for seven weeks. This worked quite well. However, when I went down to the 5g/hour patch the pain really kicked in and I found I could not cope. So, after discussing with my GP, this week I have again returned to the 10g/hour patch and expect to remain on this for future years. Because CBD oil features a lot in the media, and I know people that take it for their pain, I wonder whether anyone takes this oil who is also on the pain patches. Is there anyone on this site that can give me any advice? Thank you for your time in reading, and hopefully, responding. I appreciate it. Gill
Fibro, Buprenorphine Patches and CBD Oil - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Fibro, Buprenorphine Patches and CBD Oil

The CBD oil that you can buy is nowhere near the dose you need for pain relief, 1000mgs

It’s possible to buy 2500mg CBD oil in the UK, although it’s very expensive.
Gill - I’ve tried the 1000mg and didn’t notice any improvement to be honest. Hope others will come back to you xx
me too, it does not really help
Oh dear, I'm still so confused as to CBD doses/concentrations/contents, altho I've read quite a bit. Have you seen a "complete summary" perchance? I took a 3mg-drop per evening and that zombified me all next day, now you're talking 1000mg and even 2500mg - royalcbd say the latter's 83mg per serving - wow, I think that'd kill me.
It is all confusing. Depends what type and form of CBD it is. The 2500 does, as you say, have 83mg per serving but they class a serving as an entire dropperful. Realistically, I imagine people take one or two drops which probably works out at 10 - 20mg.
Also depends what medical issues you have. I have rheumatoid arthritis as well, so intensified pain. And if you’re a larger person (I’m not - I’m tall but slim) you’re supposed to take a bigger dose.
I think the key is to start small and work up. But unfortunately some people won’t tolerate it (you!) and some people won’t find any benefit (me!) 🙂
i was on Buprenorphine Patches 10m on and off a few times, it does work most of the time on the pain and energy, the 5m patch, didn't do much with pain, however, i came off it 2 weeks ago, buy increasing the duloxetine to 120 and 90, also i spoke to my GP and put me on Morphine 5m, was not as good as the Bu patches, but recently i ve been suffering from pain, also my mood not so good, so I might going back to it. based on my experience with these patches 1- you can come off it with some good pain management, talk with your GP 2- working better when one week off and week on, then try 2 weeks off and one week one to let the body reset 3- i used to cover it with clinging film when I have a shower as i ve notice the water and heat reduce the effectiveness of the patch. i hope that will help you.
Have you thought about speaking to someone for a CBD oil prescription so its pharmaceutical grade? I can give some recommendations of doctors I have spoken with!
Thank you to everyone who responded. I really, really appreciate it. GillieGG