Buprenorphine Pain Patches Fibromyalgia - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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Buprenorphine Pain Patches Fibromyalgia

Fibroguy66 profile image
5 Replies

HelloHave been trialling Buprenorphine Pain Patches.

Has anyone else been on these before ?

I'm having the affects of sweating & bad so called dreams.

They have not lulled my pain whatsoever in any shape or form etc.

Although I do suffer from historic chronic prostatitis & chronic pelvic nerve pain & a inoperable damaged spine being lower L3 L4 L5 s1 & upper c 3 4 5 6 etc & nerve pain & lost of parathenis on my left side,IBS ibd,total e.d. although highly embarrassing.

All this started back in 1996 after being electrocuted & then dying & then having CPR etc to bring me back.

Collapsed in early 2000,s & ended up in a wheelchair & then had to learn to walk again etc.

Have trialled all painkillers from my private consultants & NHS doctors & none work whatsoever.

Need prescription lidocaine to pass water as the pain has been immense for over 10+ years.

My pain gets so bad & fatigue levels are terrible 😞

Any help or ideas please

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5 Replies
Tisme72 profile image

I tried Butrans patches and they did nothing for my Fibromyalgia, I had a bit of a temporary effect but it was short lasting and made me want a higher dose. This carried on until the time was soon going to come when the only option would have been Fentanyl. I also started to develop a higher pain level. I went to the doctors and had a consultation on my experiences and it was decided that I would have to come off them as there is a condition - Opioid induced hyperalgesia which means that I had in effect become allergic to Opioid painkillers.

The possibility is that in your case as you have other problems as well as Fibromyalgia your treatment is targeted at your other problems rather than Fibromyalgia. Fibromyalgia often includes hypersensitivity as a symptom, so other problems may be amplified and give higher pain levels than normal. It may be that the dose level may be inadequate for your needs, but I would be very careful about getting anywhere close to the maximum recommended dose, having to come off it is not very nice!

Painkillers are not recommended as a treatment for Fibromyalgia, they only have limited effectiveness in a fairly low percentage of people treated, that supports my idea that you’re being treated more likely for your other conditions.

Dizzytwo profile image
DizzytwoModerator in reply to Tisme72

I agree with what you posted. Not wishing to come across as a know it all that's how I read it too. Great reply xx


Fibroguy66 profile image
Fibroguy66 in reply to Tisme72

Thankyou for your wonderful read.Found it valid and very plausible indeed.

Yes I do have complex pain issues radiating from other medical issues

ljay2012 profile image


I was on fentanyl 100mgs patches, for a long while they worked better but withdrawals were awful because GPS didn’t do script in time and chemist struggled to get them so I was going into withdrawal all the time!!!

They changed me to bupronorphine patches, doesn’t cover all my pain, but I have complex nerve pain and fybro as well as bulging disc and coxxyx problems, amongst other problems!!!

I don’t get any side effects but again, you suffer withdrawal if your late changing them,

And my pain is much worse without them.

I think the fentynal has given me high tolerance, seems we can’t win and get pain free.

GP now advises pain clinic but even they couldn’t help me with my complex pain.

Danni54 profile image

You have so much to cope with and what you have been through is horrendous. I was on an Opioid called Dipipanone and Cyclizine for year's but 1 day I had them and the next day...nothing and no support so 9 week's of withdrawal! Have had Fentanyl patches which helped my pain. Nerve damage from multiple operations on my stomach with Endometriosis, IBS ++. Then 2 fractured vertebrae which is agony and then last year was in hospital and had an allergic reaction to the antibiotics but the Dr. ignored it and I ended up with Restless Leg Syndrome which has been hell. After contacting the amazing RLS Forum they suggested trying Buprenorphine patches which I did but had an allergy to the adhesive. The patches ran out after 5 day's. After a huge battle with the Pain Clinic and my G.P. , I am now on 0.4 mg Buprenorphine tablet's twice a day although the Pain Clinic said I could have 3 a day.However, I do get , periodic , Opioid sweating , I'm tired a bit more than usual and they made me feel very strange....other worldly....but my body is getting used to them so that's beginning to settle down. They do help the Fibro pain and the other pain that I'm in so they might be worth trying for you . The only problem is that medic's are now reluctant to prescribe Opioid's because they are scared that we will misuse them. That makes me so angry because if they are the only thing's that help our pain then, surely it is our right to choose as long as we are aware of side effects etc. The medical profession think that we are so stupid. Ooops...soapbox starting!

I really hope that you manage to get some relief from the pain because I know how exhausting pain is and how depressing. If you are allowed the tablet's then , maybe, give them a couple of week's before you decide whether you want to keep going with them. The RLS Forum is wonderful for asking for advice on medication and they are so kind and knowledgeable. Good luck and please let us know how you get on because we all understand.

Best wishes, Danni

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