I am really allergic and find antifungal cream like zxabesten plus lavender oil is the only thing that works. Also most commercial insect repellents seem to attract not repel and my new one seems to have caused a massive flareup. The chemist sent it. I am now in Australia and mozzies are a major problem in our area at the mo but I used that combination thereYorkshire Lavender sell a roll-?on online
Soothing bites: I am really allergic... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Soothing bites

Yes bits can be uncomfortable at the best of times, I do use lavender products in general I will look for the Yorkshire roll on as I get reaction to the normal ones. I hung bunches of lavender as read insects don’t like the smell and when I sit in my courtyard I burn citronella and lavender tea lites in my lantern. Xx
Last year I used a citronella spray by Neal's yard organic remedies as a repellant, and their lavender & aloe cream for any bites xxx
Thanks. I like the sound of the lavender and aloe not sure we have it here but I have aloe vera plants in the garden, plus lavender oil so try both together.
I used to keep an aloe plant on kitchen windowsill for breaking of a leaf to treat any small cuts etc
What I have found works is a Dry oil spray from Avon, in the Skin so Soft range. It is the original 'flavour', smells a bit like ferns.
Apparently, in the States, it is used by the military, and I also know a lot of horsey folk use it to keep the flies off their horses.
If you have been bitten, one thing which works for me, is to take a soluble aspirin, dissolve it in a small amount of water, and dab it on the bite with a cotton bud. Takes the itch out of it in most cases.
Cheers, Midori
I've used the Avon spray in past, but apparently they changed the formula and it doesn't work as well as the original one did.
Our Australian army used to use Skin So Soft as insect was deterrent in the bush. Unfortunately Avon stopped operating here but I haven’t looked online. Will do so now. Thanks for the reply x
Hi, if go anywhere near lavender all I end up with is a splitting headache, yet it's supposed to be helpful for sleeping not for me☹, so I'm with the insects!!

Hi Luttie, that’s tough! They do warn about using it straight on the skin but a small drop on bites does for me or I add it to oil. Sad that such a lovely scent causes you pain x
I know some perfumes cause it to, my mum loved one but had to avoid her them was worse than lavender my nan could never wear perfume caused her the same problem , so I have to be careful if I wear one. Hate going into shops where you get someone demonstrating them and just spray it in the air so you walk through, get home sometimes straight into shower then lay down wait for it to pass.x

That makes life tough. My Care Assistant has no sense of smell at all but I think that might be an asset in her work!
🤣🤣, that could be very true, sorry I get the giggles at time's and reading your post given me a case of them, oh God .
Take care. Live and best wishes 💐💐
Oh, sorry forgot to say welcome, we're a friendly bunch, xx

It seems to be my role in lifeLuttie and isnt that something in these times! Our Newcastle Herald newspaper here in NSW prints my emails to the Tooics journalist, Damon regularity and it seems I am what they call here ‘a total crackup’ and cheer people up. Since I do it lying down in bed when I cant move it is good for me too (and I never, ever mention glob** Warm***).As they say in Yorkshire “Eeh, it’s grand to be daft!”
You do have a good talent for putting a smile on my face, and I agree it's grand to be daft!!
My tablet at the moment is playing silly beggars with me auto correct needs to correct itself and it missed the v out of have!!. Think it's as daft as me 😊.