Why well we have a wonderful wedding going on next year and we want to fill buckets with flowers it could hydrangers but mine has not produced enough flowers the colour is amethyst with lavender and cream roses . In the buckets I just want a lot of Hydranger like flowers all nestling together. I have said I can do the flowers and now I am going down hill fast. This is not me Help keep smiling my friends xxgins
Hi all you crafty people does anyone ... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Hi all you crafty people does anyone make paper flowers

Oh gins, I will try and help you, when exactly is the wedding, I have loads of hydrangeas in varying colours, so I could cut them and dry them out for you, I also have a friend who has masses and masses of lavender and likewise I'm sure I could get some of those too.... Do let me know, I could make some tissue paper flowers too, my mother left a box that she had clearly used when she was teaching and so I could put those together for you.....let me know
Please put your brakes on and stop going downhill so fast, it worries me !!
Foggy x
Iam so sorry to hear that gins sorry I can't help with the flowers but just wanted to wish you well enough so you can finish your flowers.Sending you lots of fluffy hugs xxx
Hi Gins
Sorry you're not good at the moment.
I have lavender in the garden and have just bought a hydrangea plant but it is small but could help with a few. They are a bluish purplish colour. Just let us know when you need it for.
My daughter came home from a group and they had made flowers from paper cake cases, you could get the colour you want.
I hope you can get back to climbing that hill soon, I have every faith that your can.
Is xx
Hi Gins, what lovely offers from Foggy and Suffolklass!
Hope that people being so kind helps the time you're going through - it doesn't relieve the symptoms, but I always feel people's kindness goes a long way to help the low mood I find accompanies my FM.
I have had a quick look for 'how to's and this seems like the simplest, if you still want to make some yourself:
Good luck and lots of blessings,
Zoe xx
Hi Gins,
I can't help you with the flowers as I live in a flat, but I can send you healing thoughts and hope that you feel a good bit better soon.
love GJ xx

It must have been your healing thoughts Jerryjay that got me through the session with the phsio. Thanks I appreciate the thoughts xxgins
Hi gins my mum had us making crepe paper flowers every year for the local carnival when I was a child but not sure I could manage top quality standard but willing to help if I can
Big smiles xxgins
we made them for a carnival a few times from tissues.
you unfold the tissues and layer them up [I think 4 tissues deep]
then you fold them length-ways in a concertina fashion.
wrap some garden wire around the middle 2 or 3 times leaving the ends approx 2" long and twist ends together.
now open out the concertina folds into a fan shape
starting on what will be the middle, start to separate the tissue layers - one layer at a time and pulling tightly into the middle [like a daffodil]
to finish, lightly fluff and shape.
this will create a rose like flower.