I was diagnosed with fibro about 5 years ago, infact I had to have 3 diagnosis as I never believed the first two, how could I be in this much pain, with no real cause??? I am slowly coming to terms with the fact that my life has changed completely and I will never get to do all the things I used to.
I have 2 boys (10 and 7) whom I adore, without their help I don't know how I would survive. I am also a carer for my husband who is in a wheelchair due to a car accident 11 years ago. There are days that he is more able bodied than I am.
I have pain all over my body. At the moment the pain in my right knee, right shoulder and lower back (right side) are overpowering the pain that I have in all of my other joints. My feet feel as though I have no skin on them and that I am walking on broken bones. I feel useless and extremely frustrated.
Is anyone else on lots of medication and does it help? I'm currently on butrans patches (highest dose), cocodamol (highest dose), naproxen, gabapentin, omeprazole and because of the cocodamol I am also on senna and lanosil. I take 20 pills a day and feel like a walking rattle, but I am still in pain, it just seems to take the edge off enough for me to get through the day. Somedays I think that if it wasnt for my lovely boys and husband, I could happily take all the pills in my cupboard, just to be pain free!!!! But I'm not a quitter.
I cannot get DLA apparently I am not disabled enough, although, I am disabled enough for a blue badge! I am currently awaiting a date for a tribunal as I am disputing the DLA decision. Any tips would be greatly received.