if you feeling blue then fluffy cuddl... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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if you feeling blue then fluffy cuddles are for you! any colour any size and today I have a full range to give out to you :)

37 Replies

I've been dealing with a very bad bout of vertigo for the last 5 days which has seen me falling in the nurses room, slipping at hydro, bouncing of every wall in the house, almost crashing through the kitchen table and leaving me weebling about like a weeble and in lots of pain.

I'm not sure if anyone out there suffers with this and how they cope with it but when it makes me feel blue I surround myself in purple fluffiness get onto my very non-moving purple fluffy couch and submerge myself into the softness until I feel safe, warm and in not so much pain again.

Today just for you all I have a full range of fluffies to give out to help ease the pain and sadness.

There are fluffy cuddles, fluffy cuddle couches, cushions, fluffies for snuggling and my new top of the range recliners which are also programmed to omit lovely scents of your choosing.

Imagine reclining in pure fluffy softness whilst smelling sweet vanilla, musky lavender or cheeky chocolate?!

Which would you choose? what scents would you like and what would be your colour of choice?

xxxzebxxx with a wobbly spring

37 Replies
Morwenna profile image

I would have a cushions, lilies especially lilly of the valley ^_^ and suck aniseed balls :) while listening to the rain falling on CD ..... or outside :P

Morwenna profile image

oh yes suffer from that from time to time lol I wobbled over the kitchen floor launched towards the breakfast bar missed it and crashed into the cooker with my head ... laid there stunned but laughing like mad ........ i kept visulizing the fall felt like in slow motion had a bump on my head for months ...... sending rainbow colour hugs to you xxxxx

in reply to Morwenna

Aw bless you :)

its always in slow mo isn't it even the friends trying to catch you in time lol I end up laughing at them more then myself LOL

aniseed balls yummy! not had any of those for a very long time. I love listening to the rain pelt of roofs and bins and especially metal when every now and again it tings like someone playing the triangle LOL

The cushions are here for you ready scented, they're blank for you to add your own colours, they smell beautiful by the way and it never wears off :)


Cookie72 profile image

Hi zeb, had that myself this week, intact had really bad week, so I would just luv one of your lavender fluffie recliners with nature sounds, ie birds water sounds and can't have a smell as I'm extremely sensitive to smells, in fact the only smell ican tolerate mildly is the sanctuary products, but could really do with one of those fluffies, which one would like us to send to you...gentle, gentle hugs from me...Dee xx

in reply to Cookie72

aw! I agree about smells I use violet or lavender because they don't set me off, your lavender fluffy recliner with the sounds of springtime is on its way with extra fluffy cuddles xxx take care Dee xxxzebxxx

Cookie72 profile image
Cookie72 in reply to

Than you zeb have received my fluffy recliner nd I'm laying in pretend sunshine watching the little white fluffy clouds drift by, with the sound of the stream and the robin singing in the background Dee xx

Morwenna profile image

aww thanks adding sunshine yellow :)

in reply to Morwenna

you're ever so welcome xxx

Fibrofoggiest profile image

Hi zeb, that's so generous, thank you, but I might just have to skip on the smellie delights like Dee does, I get migraines triggered by scents, and I'm never sure which or what one will set it off. But the fluffiness would be pink and white, probably spotty, but that's a whole other story !?! Hehehe :D

Foggy x

in reply to Fibrofoggiest

I like the fluffies because they come to order LOL so non-smelly and hypergenic quality pink and white spotty fluffy cuddle recliner on its way hun xxx it'll go great in your igloo!


Julie63 profile image

I would like the smell of the sea & bright yellow for sunshine - the feeling of warmth on my face & the feeling of being by the sea. I've got two cd's that I play for when I need to really relax - one is just the sound of the waves & the other has gentle piano music as well as the sound of the sea. Oh to be in Cornwall right now - sitting in a nice comfy chair, in a conservatory letting the sun shine in but not the cold wind, watching & listening to the sea as the waves come crashing onto the sand, & the noise of the rocks as it pulls them out to sea. Heaven!

Julie xxx

in reply to Julie63

I'm convinced and right there with you hun sounds very therapeutic :)

I have found sunflower yellow and orange fluffies just for you and the recliner


Julie63 profile image
Julie63 in reply to

Absolute Heaven! Thank you zeb!

Fibrofoggiest profile image
Fibrofoggiest in reply to Julie63

I spent this afternoon with my sister in law walking again along the Cobb at Lyme Regis, it was so wonderful, it was quite breezy , think tomorrow it may all be very different . Isn't it silly I live 15 mins drive away yet haven't been down the for ages, so rather than Cornwall, a Devon/Dorset coast :-)

Foggy x

pip_r profile image

I love the sound of a gentle breeze in the trees and the trickle of a nearby stream, with birds singing in the background. I'd be lying on some soft grass with blue skies above and enough warmth to make me doze. The smell of lavender would be good.

Ah... bliss...

Oh... and red squirrels ;) xx

chilli50 profile image
chilli50 in reply to pip_r

Hi pip_r. It's sounds just the way I would like it!! Lol. The only thing I would add is the scent of freshly mown grass, it always says to me that it's almost summer!

Hi zeb. Could I please have a bright red fluffy? It is so full of vitality. (something we seriously lack!) a lovely soft recliner, a bright red fluffy, plenty of cushions, the smell of freshly mown grass and the sun warm on my face! I couldn't think of anything more delightful lol! For night time I would have a forest green fluffy with a foot deep memory foam mattress and the gentle sound of a stream tinkling ove the rocks! I would (finally!) drift off into a peaceful, restful sleep and wake feeling more refreshed than I have in years!

Love and gentle huggles for everyone!

Love chilli xxx

in reply to chilli50

crikey! that's a whopper order of fluffiness LOL :)

sounds fantastic and am sure everything will be ready soon.....

my fluffy cuddle recliner is deep purple and I have splashes of pink and purple fluffies that were a gift from coz1 too, which are really soft and extra cuddly :)

oh! here we go we have everything enjoy the fluffiness!


chilli50 profile image
chilli50 in reply to

Snug and warm in all my wonderful flurries lol. Thankyou!! Xxx

shall have a look and see.... hang on!

okay! can manage the recliner no probs with those sounds and smells hun xxx you don't say what colour so I thought you might like summer's evening red to go with the red squirrel shaped fluffy cuddle cushions... sorry! couldn't find any :( real ones :( maybe like us they're busy prepping for hibernation :)

I shall keep looking for you xxxzebxxx

pip_r profile image
pip_r in reply to

Yes, a nice burnt umber (ooh, listen to me ;) ) would be great please ;) xx

in reply to pip_r

there you go pip! burnt umber enjoy the fluffiness :) xxxzebxxx

pip_r profile image
pip_r in reply to

Thanks Zeb :) xx

Frangi-pan profile image

(sighs) that all sounds like heaven... is the special offer over? missed this post somehow...

retrospectively (oooOOOOooo!!) zeb I wish to give you fluffies in shades of pink and palest blue and white :)

hope they help - I know what that vertigo is like! my way of getting around was veeeeerrrrry slowly, and not letting go of anything until I had something else at hand ;)

of course, taken to extremes that poses problems, but it's a good rule to go by... like in the garden, when the chair goes over, and you have stay out all night... :D

thinking of you zeb and other vertigo-ers xxx

in reply to Frangi-pan

aw! Frangipan :) thank you, the fluffies fit nicely in my hibernation, lair, rather than nest :)

Fluffy cuddles and fluffies are available all the time hun xxx anytime :) couches and recliners take a few minutes longer to get hold of tho LOL

Do you have a particular soothing colour of choice and would you like cushions? LOL, scents, sounds, recliner or regular?

Fortunately, my OH won't let me outside when the vertigo is visiting so you can imagine what kind of year I had last year when it was persistent for about 10 months... blah, blah ! enough about me :) ha ha ha ha !

xxxzebxxx here's a fluffies sampler for you xx : ) xx

Frangi-pan profile image
Frangi-pan in reply to

Thanks zeb - best pressie ever!! hmmmm... deffo recliner! with rainbow pastel fluffies!!!sounds of the sea, and very gentle sea-spa scent (love it when we get the smell of the sea on the wind when it's in the right quarter, as rarely get there despite relatively near)

I shall look back at this post when in the future doldrums, to get the smile back from when I first read it.... you started something big kiddo! ;) xx

in reply to Frangi-pan

Aw you are so very kind :) thank you

rainbowdancer profile image

Hi what a lovely idea,I used to get vertigo and the Dr did a special manoeuvre on my head and put the crystals back where they should be. It was weird but worked. It was called Epley's Manoeuvre.and can be done in Dr's surgery. :-)

Rainbow snuggles back to you and anyone who needs them x ((((((((((((((((((((((((((( ;-) ))))))))))))))))))))))

in reply to rainbowdancer

Loooovely! they're so pretty and snuggly :) :)

I've heard of this manoeuvre... shall have to seek more info from doc next week cheers xx

would you like some fluffies? sounds a bit rude doesn't it!!!? sorry...eek!

I don't know what your choices for colour or smells would be so I also send you a fluffies sampler

xxxzebxxx enjoy the fluffies :)

rainbowdancer profile image
rainbowdancer in reply to

Thanks needed them today !!!

Thank you everyone for your wonderful replies :)

Fluffies help me to stay relaxed so I hope you all enjoy their goodness too

xxxzebxxx :)

Ginsing profile image

There is only one thing about fluffies they are not quite as satisfying as .............Chocolate I have given up the wonderful stuff and even the word makes me salivate. I am basically a chocic yup give me one little bit and I will consume the lot. Terrible. So I have given it up and I am feeling great actually loosing a little weight but I have also given up wheat/ gluten and my I feel better for it. I am not suggesting you all try it but for me it seems to be working.

Sorry to cut in on the fluffies :D xgins

Oh! I see gins! its like that is it LOLOL

Huh! I'm not gonna sulk tho because you are so right about dietry issues :) :)

However, fluffies are hugs, cuddly products that make you feel swathed in comfort, softness, warmth and Oh! I could go on and on but I won't hee hee!... to help promote relaxation, reduce stress, which, in turn help to reduce pain as muscles relax and release their healing chemicals, a bit like when you are asleep. If like me you grab sleep when it grabs you then I recommend relaxation be placed in your days' itinery for at least half hour every day. One of the best things I learnt at pain management :)

So I'm gonna taunt you by sending you fluffies scented in chocolate and white champagne truffle blended in, good thing is its virtual so you can savour as much of it as you like hope you don't get cravings tho.... I know you'll chase me for that !!! eek!


Ginsing profile image

Thanks Zeb truffle and champagne fluffie well that is different you rotter LOL I love bothe Champagne and Truffles :)


Ginsing profile image

I agree totally with your relaxation being placed in the itinerary I do that every day. Usually about 1.00 each day after lunch . With out it I am no good for the afternoon. But with my trufflie fluffie with champagne smell oh I wish I had a sense of smell but I do have a good imagination. :) hugs to you my friend


in reply to Ginsing

you are quite welcome :) xxx

Sarah-Jane profile image

All of you sound lovely and can obviously visualise very well. I love my meditation music, soft and beautiful. I soon float away on fluffy clouds. Pink tinged from a sunset after a warm day. Coco nuts, vanilla, rose petals - not too powerful as I will begin to wheeze if it is. No jasmine, sorry. Breezes through long grass/trees rustling gently with English birds singing in the branches.

A little chocolate, warm and frothy to cuddle my tastebuds whilst on an eiderdown of soft feathers with gentle pastel coloured cushions to tuck in and support sore skin and joints.

Soft hugs to you all. :o)

sounds awesome! sarah

There's fluffies, fluffy cuddles, fluffy cuddle couches, fluffy cuddle recliners all in whichever scents and coloure you'd like.

New comforting fluffy designs coming soon


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