Pain in Legs: Does anyone get pain in... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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Pain in Legs

lindamorgan profile image
21 Replies

Does anyone get pain in their legs? i have been suffering for about 3 weeks now, especially at night. Its mostly from the knee down and my right leg is affected worse than the left. Its only down one side of my leg. I am having trouble sleeping because of it, painkillers are not helping.I got up this morning around 3am and rubbed some Deep Relief Gel in my leg, which helped for a a couple of hrs and i did manage to to get a bit of sleep. I have to go back to GP soon, but its not until the 1st April. Can anyone suggest anything?

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lindamorgan profile image
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21 Replies
Ginsing profile image

Morning Linda morgan,

What bad luck to have such trouble through the night! I am glad the gel helped a bit another thing to try is raise your legs . I find elevation of my lower limbs releaves swelling .

I think your visit to the Docs is the best thing we are,as you know, just fibromites we do not have any medical backing so always visit your Doctor.

I see your appointment is the 1st of April good day for an appointment!! Good luck let us know how it goes.


FGXPress profile image
FGXPress in reply to Ginsing

LOL ... yeah don't give the GP a Pinch and a Punch :-)

FGXPress profile image

I get this occasionally which is why I started using powerstrips to relieve the pain .. In my case, the GP seems to think its a result of inflammation of the knee joints which flares up every once in a while (quite common and can be caused by various reasons) which results in the knee and subsequent leg pains!

panda60 profile image

I had severe pain in my left knee and leg last year which I put down to fibro but the rheumatologist sent me for an MRI and it turned out to be osteoarthritis. I had some physio and it got a lot better - not perfect but more liveable. Learned my lesson there that not all symptoms are related to fibro.

jillylin profile image


I find sleeping with a special vein pillow under my knees really helps. It's a funny shape and very comfortable.



Maisie1 profile image

I am getting a lot of pain in both legs but nothing helps

Julie63 profile image
Julie63 in reply to Maisie1

Hi maisie1, gentle hugs, are you on any pain meds, and have you had any scans or xrays? I had mri which showed I have a protruding disc in my lower spine which is pressing on the nerves in my legs. I am on pregabalin which helps this type of pain. Speak to your gp about the differing meds out there, & also getting tested. Hugs, Julie xxx

anbuma profile image

hi lindamorgan I was getting leg pain at night mostly left leg which is the side i lie on but now when I to walk my dogs(a struggle)my left leg is achy and painful from hips to knee and my foot is cold tingly and painful.i have traxam gel from my gp which give s good relief

TheAuthor profile image

Hi lindamorgan

I sincerely hope that you are feeling as well as you possibly can be today? I am so sorry to read that you are having leg pains, and I genuinely hope that you can find some resolution and relief to these issues.

As you can see from all of these replies it could be one of many reasons that your leg hurts the way it does? Waiting until the 1st of April seems like an eternity when you are in pain, I know.

I tend to elevate my legs when they start to ache, it usually eases it somewhat but again, it is not perfect.

I want to wish you all the best of luck when you see your GP.

All my hopes and dreams for you

Ken x

looloo4007 profile image

I also only have the pain in my leg,right side too, and since starting ropinirole a few months ago the pain has also got worse in my right arm too, doc is putting me on amitryptil in a weeks time, not much hope there as i hear it makes it worse !!!,Also i wake up every morning with pins and needles and numbness in my hands , does anyone else have this,,,also i have just discovered fibromyalgia which i have never known off until i joined this forum, and i was surprised to see after looking it up that i have ALL the symptoms, so will be speaking to my doctor about this ? ,I have learned so much from here, so glad i joined, always good to have someone to share your problems with eh :)

phlebo123 profile image
phlebo123 in reply to looloo4007

Hiya loo loo,

I also wake most mornings with pins and needles and numbness in my hands. This can also be a symptom of carpal tunnel syndrome so maybe get it checked out by your doctor. ( mine is just another fibromyalgia symptom!!)

I also get dreadful cramps in both calves when I am in bed.

Another symptom I get is what I would describe as "bricks" or a heavy weight feeling in the soles of my feet.

If your doctor has little knowledge of fibromyalgia, then ask him if you can be referred to a Rheumatologist.

I tried amitriptyline for a few weeks, but they make me feel like a "zombie" , so I know manage my symptoms by "pacing" myself and don't take any tablets. There are other medications you can try if it doesn't suit you.

Welcome to the forum xxx :)

looloo4007 profile image
looloo4007 in reply to phlebo123

Thanks phlebo123, I will certainly check that out, dont get the other symtoms you have mentioned,going to see how i get on with the amitriptyline,start it next week as weaning of citalopram just now, thanks for your reply ,ps certainly wont carry on if i feel like a zombie :0)

solowheelie profile image
solowheelie in reply to looloo4007

hi Looloo

i also wake with numbness and pins and needles in my hands almost every morning - i just see it as part of what my body needs to get through to wake up. For me amitripyline is the drug i would not do without because without it i seize up completely and i am not aware of it having caused me leg pain in 16yrs of taking it. Having said that i am actually suffering with similar leg pain and i find deep heat is the only thing that touches it despite lots of pain meds

looloo4007 profile image
looloo4007 in reply to solowheelie

Hi there, I dont think thats the case with me although i do take a while to wake up in the morning lol, and i have not always had this either,i am delighted to here a good response about amitryptiline though that has gave me some positivity about it, deep heat is good i use it for my back pain will try it on my legs, thanks take care :)

joed profile image

hi have also been suffering with violent leg pain for last three weeks been to seegp 4 times int he last four weeks no sleep restless legs violent pian from my hip/grion all down muscle to my knees put on diazapan for two weeks not much help 4hrs sleep at most exhausted bought waming over the counter gel to rub in and hot hot bathes in radox muscle soak gives short term releif back to gp yestday increased diazapan 2 per night for 2wks then some more new med to start monday also drops for tongue as i have fungal infection due to being so run down i have an appointment at pain clinic 9th april think might ask him to chop legs off lol i cant live like this my quality of life is crap i cant cope with the constant pain back and knees also going to get bloods done today gp thinks i may have osteo arthritis to as well as cfs me/fm hypermobility depression ibs sorry to waffle take care joanne x

looloo4007 profile image
looloo4007 in reply to joed

Hi Joanne, your pain sounds bad and it must be if diazapan no helping as i hear that is a strong tab, there is nothing worse than not getting sleep with all the other problems we have, you really made me laugh about asking to have your legs chopped off :), felt like that often enough !! i had bad knees also but i must say after starting ropinirole a few months ago my knees have been great, will let you all know how i get on with the amitryptiline, fingers crossed Linda :) x ps dont feel your waffling thats what the forum is for sharing our stories and getting help from others ....

joed profile image
joed in reply to looloo4007

thankyou for your reply and glad i made you laugh about my legs cus most days if i didnt try to laugh i would cry take care joanne

tracypom profile image

I have been having restless leg syndrome for over over 5 years and fibro for over 25 years your leg symptoms sound similar to mine

Billysmini profile image

Hi it's Billie here I am so sorry to here that other people are suffering with leg feet and knee pain as I do suffer quite badly. Sometimes I also want to chop my legs off because it makes my life unbearable most nights . I only joined this site recently and to be honest it's a god send to me , I would like to thank everyone of you for being here as only people that have fibro understand how we cope with daily pain and shear exhaustion , thank you guys and sending you all a massive gentle hug xx

joed profile image
joed in reply to Billysmini

yes i to find this site so friendly and speaking to people who are going through the same things as we are helps to chat about ive been having violents pian and suffering such a bad flare up for nearly four weeks now so run down trush on my tongue on diazapan and start another new med on monday no let up from pain i go to the pain clinic in april and had another load of bloods yesterday you take care joanne

Weelamb profile image

I have exactly what u r describing :-(

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