Hi everyone Just thought I would ask about leg problems.
I am not actually in a lot of pain just when my muscles spasm,then it is hell!! Fingers arm,neck,back, etc. My biggest problem is I cannot walk,and it has been going on now for a year. (no physio ) . just to recap!
My right leg just got very heavy last june and I just couldn't lift it,my brain says go and my leg stays put. I drag it along on a good day and on a bad one neither works and I fall,leaving my legs behind me! It also stops me from turning over in bed or sitting back further in a chair as legs and arms are too weak!
Dr still says it is my Fibro. Been worse this last two weeks,after going to my daughter's wedding.
Does anyone else have this problem ? I just don't know where to turn anymore!!!
Sorry to moan or repeat myself but this surly can't be a flare as I hear most people are really bad for maybe three months , but mine drags on and on.
Hope you are all enjoying the sun,I can't get out there as too slow ( ten or so mins ) and no sooner out there my back hurts or I need the loo and cant get back in quick enough. I can at least keep cool and see the lovely weather from my chair.
Hugs to all (((((((((((((((((((( Rainbow )))))))))))))))))))))) <3