No Pain in Legs just cannot walk !!! - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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No Pain in Legs just cannot walk !!!

rainbowdancer profile image
14 Replies

Hi everyone Just thought I would ask about leg problems.

I am not actually in a lot of pain just when my muscles spasm,then it is hell!! Fingers arm,neck,back, etc. My biggest problem is I cannot walk,and it has been going on now for a year. (no physio ) . just to recap!

My right leg just got very heavy last june and I just couldn't lift it,my brain says go and my leg stays put. I drag it along on a good day and on a bad one neither works and I fall,leaving my legs behind me! It also stops me from turning over in bed or sitting back further in a chair as legs and arms are too weak! :-(

Dr still says it is my Fibro. Been worse this last two weeks,after going to my daughter's wedding. ;-)

Does anyone else have this problem ? I just don't know where to turn anymore!!!

Sorry to moan or repeat myself but this surly can't be a flare as I hear most people are really bad for maybe three months , but mine drags on and on.

Hope you are all enjoying the sun,I can't get out there as too slow ( ten or so mins ) and no sooner out there my back hurts or I need the loo and cant get back in quick enough. I can at least keep cool and see the lovely weather from my chair.

Hugs to all (((((((((((((((((((( Rainbow )))))))))))))))))))))) <3

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rainbowdancer profile image
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14 Replies
Amanda profile image

Hi yes,this was one of my first symptoms ,nowhere near as bad as you though.I felt the heavy feeling in my legs and it was a real effort to walk,I also became very unsteady so ended up with my crutches.At the moment I am having a problem with my eyes,I think the fibro has affected my eye muscles as my vision is really blurred and I can't focus even with my glasses on.I'm also having shooting pains in my eyes and they are very sore.It's better with my eyes shut which isn't much good for going about life generally!! The other problem I've noticed which is not fibro related ,people just don't leave you alone if you shut your eyes in public! they keep asking you if you are OK! Also I don't seem to have much if any time when I'm not having a flare!

rainbowdancer profile image
rainbowdancer in reply to Amanda

Thanks Amanda,my leg just refuses to move it takes real concentration to move at all,and people don't realise it is hard enough to get from my scooter to a chair without them chatting to me!

When I have to go to Dr or hospital app; we get to the lounge and out of the door ,then we need to walk 2 car lengths maybe then into the car.My OH lifts my legs in and I am then exhausted 20mins in all. Then the reverse when we get there,and again to get not often I get out for leisure! I can't use crutches as my muscles are too weak.

As for your eyes not sure they are connected with fibro ! Please go to Dr and see about an optitians appointment. Hope you get it sorted,

Gentle hugs ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( :-) )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

Rainbow x

Amanda profile image
Amanda in reply to rainbowdancer

Hi,I rang the Optician who said to see DR.I saw DR and she said my eye problems were due to the Gabapentin.We had been upping it due to the severe peripheral pain I had been having and had just got up to a level where The burning was down to a dull roar.Now I have to backtrack and go more gradual .Gp says we may be able to get to a higher dose but will need to try different times of day eg it's fine to have a higher dose at bed time as hopefully I wont be using my eyes so much if I'm asleep! there may be other times when it wont affect me so much as well.Talk about complicated!!

Lima6MCT profile image
Lima6MCT in reply to Amanda

Have you mentioned the blurred vision to your GP or optician? Whilst Fibro can mean your prescription for glasses keeps changing, having persistent blurred vision can have other nerological causes.

munchkin62 profile image

it was one of my first problems to as well as spasms in my back I used to walk to work and back every day but started getting the dragging feeling and heaviness as you describe that was 6yrs ago and my walking has gradualy gotten worse and excruciating so that I am having to use a wheelchair to go shopping ive been fighting that for along time but its gotten to much in the last few mounths and in the last Cpl of weeks ive felt the dragging feeling much much more im getting real worried about this and wonder if its really to do with my spine as earlier this year I started developing lumps alongside my middle spine I already know I have spondolitis in my lumber and cervical spine but telling the dr seems pointless as everything is oh its just muscle spasm to do with your fibro ! it feel like this excuse is used to get out of doing further tests sometimes.

rainbowdancer profile image
rainbowdancer in reply to munchkin62

Hi I ended up getting a folding scooter from Lloyds it was an ex demo one and was £350 only problem is I can only go out when someone drives me and puts it together. My OH has Spondilitus and RA so most times it is too hard for him to do. As I also have to be lifted into the car....and I am not a little person.! Well not yet!! have lost a stone plus sogoing the right way :-)

Gentle hugs (((((((((((((((((((((((((((( :-) )))))))))))))))))))))))))))

Rainbow x x

munchkin62 profile image

I got mine through social services and gp a few yrs ago only just starting to use im quite stubborn lol but like you have to depend on others to push me and that's my support worker who I get on Tuesday morn and fri afternoon for a Cpl of hours but that's due to my mental health my daughter visits fortnightly usualy unless I take a bad turn.and im not small either used to be but think being that again is just gonna be a blooming miricale lol opps and sorry for my spelling that's gone haywire to .hugs back xx

lcm27 profile image

Hi, you must push for physio. I too get these spasms, in my feet, knees and ribs. Thought I was doolally. Drs dismiss as Fibro spasms. Consultant referred me to physio and hydrotherapy about 4 weeks in. Got very gentle stretching exercises, been good for foot cramps and stretching hamstrings and hydro has reduced volume of exercises cos I was knocked for 6, but they have helped. Get the hospital ambulance to pick you up and bringyou back, they are used to coping, and takes the strain off your hubby. Our town council does a bus for limited mobility people which can be booked for appointments such as drs dentist, even shopping and is a door to door service, we just got a second bus cos the demand is so great.

You must get your eyes checked, they can tell a lot about your health state by your eyes plus write to gp if you need a hospital referral, but the pains are not really good and should be investigated. Hope you get some help soon.

porshe profile image


I have swellings to the side of my knees which give me a lot of pain and are also making my legs feel very heavy and tight. My G.P. doesnt know what they are but I don't let her put everything down to my fibro hence waiting to see specialist.

As to what u are saying about your legs and back Rainbowdancer have u had an mri?

rainbowdancer profile image
rainbowdancer in reply to porshe

Hi n I haven't had an MRI the dr said he thinks they oen up a can of worms and I have enough on my plate! We have asked for one. However after my Dr saw me yesterday he admitted that it is not all down to Fibro and is booking me a brain scan,thinks I have had a bleed!

mummyshell profile image

Ive been to docs with this today doc said its fibro and it maybe because mytabs have been upped :(( xx

mummyshell profile image

Ive been to docs with this today doc said its fibro and it maybe because mytabs have been upped :(( xx

naturagirl profile image

Hi Rainbow, I feel for you. I have been like that for a year and still can not walk much. Like you describe the legs feel like they turn into concrete.

I think you have Polymyalgia also, just like I have.

Love and light from TESS

OptimusPrime2 profile image

I was diagnosed with Fibro in 2002 it was only slight as I suffered with Chronic Fatigue Syndrom. which took it toll on me, this effected my job. I was summoned to head HQ and they told me to either work in their area or tak voluntary redundancy whih I took. After taking redundancy Fibro started to show itself, I got sever depression, I left my home town and lived with my fiance to be. A few months by when Fibro came with all it had, pain everywhere. Maybe a year or two later I started to get pain in the muscles I informed the she said to come down to surgery, this is whenn I foundout that my left leg was very weak, around 6 weeks later my right leg went the same, a few months later both my arms went very weak. about 18 months i layed down on the sofa, something happened, I could not slide my legs off the sofa, I had to move them by hand. I then stood up I could not move either leg, it was as though I got super glued to the floor, eventually it wore off. 2 -3 months went by then my left leg started up again, I could not move it, then my right leg joined the left. few days went by now my left leg is continually not working, I am waiting for it to be permantly effected. .

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